Chapter 8

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Mia's POV:

"How about this one?" Joe asks.
It's week since 'the incident' as we like to call it, basically me trying to jump of the bridge and kill myself. We are looking at houses in Wiltshire, Somerset. Seeing as Wiltshire is where we spent most of our childhood we wanna move back there before we get married because I have too many awful memories here in Brighton, also it'd be nice to get a fresh start.
I love Brighton but I've got a bit bored of it lately and I wanna move back into the complete contryside of Wiltshire.
"That looks nice.." I reply, looking at the pictures the cottage on the laptop screen.
"We'll go and check out those three in a few weeks, we need to head up there for Jakes funeral anyway. You, Alfie, Zoe and I can all stay at my dads or mums, neither will mind us being there." Joe says.
"Are you sure? Sounds like a plan then!" I confirm.
I smile up at Joe and he plants a quick kiss on my lips.
"Shall we go see Zoe and Alfie? We can see how Zoe's getting on with the baby situation." Joe says.
A few months ago, maybe back in April, Zoe found out she was pregnant. It's October now and all her subscribers know and are super excited for the Zalfie baby. The baby is due on December 12th I think, very close to Christmas so it'll be a very stressful, but nice month for them. They said they were having the scan to find out what gender the baby is yesterday so hopefully they'll know today.
"Yeah, sure! Let's go." I slip on my white converse and Joe puts on some vans and we lace our hands together and head out the house. We stroll along to the zalfie flat. We get there and Zoe hugs me when she see's me, it's weird seeing Zoe with a bump, she's always been so skinny.
"Hey there soon-to-be mummy!" I laugh.
"Hellooo." Zoe giggles.
"Heya! Come in!" Alfie calls from the living room.
"Hey!" Joe and I call back in unison.
We come in and we all sit down on the sofas while Alfie makes some drinks.
"Soo, how's the bump?" I ask Zoe.
"She's good. It's a girl!" Zoe squeals.
"Oh my god Zo! That's amazing! Yay!" I squeal back. We have a little excited moment and Joe laughs and mutters "girls these days.." which makes us laugh.
"So, got any name idea's?" Joe asks.
"Errr, well we're liking the names Sophia, Hazel, Esme and Evelyn at the moment." She says.
"Cute! I like the names Evelyn and Hazel." I exclaim, excitedly.
"What's your opinion Broseph?" Zoe chuckles, asking Joe.
"Errr, I like Esme and Hazel." Joe says.
"Looks like Hazels a popular name." Zoe laughs.
Alfie brings in cups of tea and hot chocolate and we all grab a drink and we chat for while, catching up on stuff. We tell them about the possible move to Wiltshire and they're happy, but also sad that we won't like a walk away anymore.
After a while it's about 4:00 in the afternoon and we decide to head home.
"I'm gonna film a video when we get back I think." I say to Joe.
"I need to film as well, can we film two collabs together for this week?" Joe asks.
"Sure, okay! What do you wanna film?" I respond.
"Um, I dunno. Maybe the shock ball challenge for my channel and Q&A for yours or something?" He suggests.
"Yep! Sounds good. I'll get the camera's and lights and all that set up in the living room." I say and I sort it out when we get home.
We decide to film the Q&A first and when we are ready we get the camera on and start filming.
"Hello everyone, so today I am here with the lovely Joseph Sugg from the YouTube channel 'ThatcherJoe'."
I start.
"Hey guys!" Joe smiles.
"If you didn't know Joe is my fiancee, we are getting married sometime next year hopefully. Anyway, today we will be doing a Q&A, I just tweeted asking for some questions so here we gooo." I say.
"Question number one, What is your favourite memory together?" I read out.
"Well, mine's the day I proposed to you on the beach. I loved that day, it was amazing." Joe smiles.
"Yeah, that day was great. I also loved our holidays to Barcalona in Spain, both when we were 14 and the one last year." I say. Joe nods, agreeing.
"Question two, what is the other persons favourite christmas film?" I read out.
"Well it's a bit early for christmas" joe laughs, "but Mia's is either Elf for Muppets Christmas Carol." Joe says.
"Correct, and yours is Muppets Christms Carol!" I say.
We both nod and then answer many more questions and then film a shock ball challenge for Joe's channel, it's painful but hilarious. Joe turns the camera off afterwards and we're still laughing. Joe suddenly turns serious.
"We need to talk." He says, he sits me down on the sofa with him. I'm kinda scared.
"What?" I ask, all happiness draining from my body.
"You know last week? Please never attempt that again. Please. You are so much better than that, you do not deserve it. Even if we're mad at each other one day and you feel like everyone hates you please don't do it. There's no need." Joe says.
I sigh, hating the fact he bought it up again.
"Joe, I won't. I promise. Just stop bringing it up. Please." I plead.
"Good, I won't. It's just that you really worried me, like really." Joe says.
I give a small laugh.
"What?" Joe asks.
"I love you" I say, smiling up into his blue eyes.
He smiles and gives a small chuckle too.
"I love you more" he replies.
I shake my head.
"For always and forever, right?" I ask.
"For always and forever." He comfirms.
He leans in and kisses me, Joe is a great kisser. I smile into it and pull away.
"Well...this got a bit deep and cheesy." I laugh.
"Yeah, but that's you. Don't lie, I know you love little cliche moments and deep conversations." Joe says.
I laugh, "Yep, I do!"
I stand up, I go over to the door and put on my autumn/winter boots and a coat.
"Coming?" I ask, pulling on a beanie over my loose brunette curls.
"Yeah, were going?" Joe asks.
"Just come!" I plead.
He laughs and puts on his shoes and a coat.
I grab his hand and we run down to the beach, me dragging him.
"Why are we here?" Joe laughs.
"Because." I reply.
"Yeah....?" Joe asks.
"I like the beach." I say, smiling.
"I like you...." Joe replies.
It's silent for a while until I can't take it, that was cute buy WAY too cheesy.
I take Joe to the waters edge and cup dome sea water in my hands and flick it at Joe.
"Oi!" He shouts, kicking some water at me.
I laugh and run up the beach and Joe catches up. I get in the car, in the drivers seat.
"Get in!" I tell Joe.
Joe climbs in and I start driving, I know where I'm going, but I won'y tell Joe cause he'll protest.
"Where are we going?" Joe asks.
"You'll see..." I smirk.
Joe huffs and I laugh.
"Patience my friend!" I laugh and he laughs too.
I carry on driving, determined to get there without Joe guessing were we're going.

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelWhere stories live. Discover now