Chapter 34

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Mia's POV:

*A/N: again, apologies if any of this is incorrect, I have no idea what happens*

I woke up on the hospital bed and groaned, I was due to have the baby yesterday but didn't, I feel like it'll happen soon.

I call a nurse "I think I'm about ready to give birth" I say.

They sort stuff out for a while until half an hour later the nurse says "ready to start pushing?" and that's it, I give birth to the twins.

It's very difficult, and yes, one of the most painful things I'll ever experience, but I have Joe by my side, holding my hand the whole time.

The first twin, a boy, was born at exactly 8:42am and the second, a girl, at 8:51am.

Joe and I gaze at our newborn bundles of joy and grin.

Our little girl opens her eyes wide at Joe whilst he's holding her and I gasp, she has Joe's wonderful greeny blue ocean eyes.

"Look, she's got your eyes.." I whisper to Joe, smiling.

He chuckles.

We do all the needed stuff and then eventually head home at around 4:30. When we get home we collapse on the sofa.

Joe built two cots in our room a while ago, we thought for the first few months it'd be better to have the cots in our room instead of theres.

We sit on the sofa, holding a baby each, and we gaze at them, they are so beautiful.

We haven't decided on names yet, we've been calling them Sugg 1 (the girl) and Sugg 2 (the boy).

"What should we name them?" I ask, taking out my phone and tapping on notes, where we have gathered a list of boy and girl names for the past few months.

We trawl through names and finally decide we like Sylvia for our girl and Max for our boy.

"Sylvia and Max...I like it." Joe confirms.

"Me too, very much"

I take a picture of them and put it on my private FaceBook and get lots of comments from friends and family who are extremely happy.


Zoe Deyes: CONGRATS FAVOURITE PEOPLE! They're so adorable! When can I meet them? ;) Xxx

Tracy Sugg: Gorgeous. Congratulations darling! X

Troye Sivan: Congrats guys! So cute. X

Caroline Erndale: Dad and I say congratulations to you both. Honey, they are beautiful! Xx

Alfie Deyes: CONGRATS GUYS!❤️

Tanya Burr: Jim and I say congratulations! I need to meet these cuties soon! X

Oliver Erndale: Congratulations guys!

Sarah Erndale: IM AN AUNTIE! Congratulations sis, I can't wait to meet them! Xxx

Niomi Smart: Congrats to you both! They're going to be so talented! X

And various other comments from friends and family.

We read through them with massive smiles on our faces.

At around 8:00pm my mum, dad, Sarah, Danny, Zoe, Alfie, Hazel, Graham and Tracy all come around to see them.

They all gush over the babies for a while before I head upstairs and put them in their cots to sleep.

Everyone bought a little gift for them, we got a lot of books and clothes but Zoe and Alfie bought each of them their first soft toy.

Max's was a dark brown, soft teddy bear with a pale yellow heart on the bottom of its right foot.

Sylvia's was a very soft floppy hedgehog that was a pale creamy colour with light brown bits of thread made to look like the prickles on its back.

They looked so cute in their little cots with their new stuffed toys. I grinned at them both and headed downstairs again.

We all chatted and ate and had a little family catch up and board game session down in the living room.

Soon it was 10:00 and I was very worn out after today so everybody hugged and said goodbyes and left. Joe and I headed up to our room where we got ready for bed and climbed in.

I was ready for a good long sleep but I knew it wouldn't happen because I'd be kept up all night by the twins.

I couldn't fall asleep because I was so aware that there were two of my own human beings in the room and I didn't want anything to happen to them.

I got up three times in the night to feed them and that was all. Soon it was 9:30am and I'd only managed 3 hours of sleep, I felt dead. I guess this is my new lifestyle.


Hey guys,

The Jia babies are born! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Please feel free to leave any of your ideas for little things you want to happen in the comments and I may do them.

Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed please...

-follow me

Virtual Hugs,
Hel x

*this chapter is unedited*

"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take" - idk.

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelWhere stories live. Discover now