Chapter 29

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Mia's POV:

I wake up to my alarm beeping, it's 4:00am. We're heading off on our honey moon today, we decided to go to Greece, I've never been there but it looks lovely so we decided to go.

It's a week since our wedding and I spent the whole of yesterday packing because all the days before I had either family or friends staying and was very busy.

I turn to face Joe and see him sleeping soundly, through the alarm, I swear he is the worlds heaviest sleeper. I kiss him on the nose and shake him lightly and he wakes up and groans.

"Why are we up so bloody early?" He asks, tired and confused.

"It's our flight to Greece, remember? It's at 7:00am at Heathrow so we have to get up and be out by 5:00am" I inform him.

He groans and again and finally gets up, I head for a shower first and he does so after me. I change into some comfy black leggings and my grey Jack Wills hoodie for the flight.

I pull my hair up into a ponytail and leave my face makeup less as it's just and I can put sunglasses on to cover up my tired and baggy eyes when we get there.

Joe comes out of the shower and changes into some grey joggers and a plain black t-shirt.

"Ready?" I ask, quickly spritzing some perfume on and then grabbing my laptop, chargers and camera and all that and stuffing them into the pockets of a black shoulder bag that usual holds my electronics when I go away.

"Yeah, are you?" Joe asks.
"Yes! Let's go suggy." I reply and I grab my suitcase and Joe insists he takes all our other bags.

I slip my phone into my hoodie pocket and leave.

I decide I'll drive as I'm more awake than Joe and he'd probably fall asleep at the wheel if he drove.

We get to the airport and park our car and lock it before heading to a little cafe at the airport and grabbing some food and two coffee's for breakfast.

After breakfast we go through security and all that, bump into a few fans and take pictures and then get onto the plane.

We get onto the plane and take our seats and I begin to feel very trapped, I grab Joe's hand and he gives me an unsure look, hoping I'll be okay.

But I start cold sweating and tears begin to stream down my face, I can't control my breathing anymore. The room starts closing in and my heartbeat has increased and I feel slightly sick.

All I can think is;
What if the plane crashes?
What if we get trapped inside the plane?
I can't get off here for hours now!
I'm going to die!
I'm going to be sick!

Your gonna die! Yep, that's right! Your going to DIE! My mind teases.

Joe takes my hands and turns to face me in his seat.

"It's alright Mia, it'll be okay, deep breaths.." He soothes, as he starts to do big deep breaths and I follow trying my hardest to steady my breathing.

People around me on the plane are staring and one elderly woman behind us taps Joe and asks if I'm alright. He nods "She gets panic attacks" he says.

Joe opens up my in flight bag and grabs some rescue remedy.

"Stick your tongue out.." He says.

He puts a few drops on my tongue and then continues to take deep breaths with me.

The plane takes off and I'm okay by then, I'm taking sips of water and breathing slowly.

Joe snakes his arm around my waist and grins down at me.

"My brave girl, I love you.." He whispers.

I giggle slightly, "I love you too Joe" I reply.

He turns my head to him and kisses me, quickly but passionately.

I grin at him and I know this is going to be a great honeymoon.

I sleep a little on the flight and then I wake up to Joe shaking my shoulder slightly.

"Babe, wake up, we're in Greece!" Joe whispers softly.

I yawn, "oh, yay.." I mutter, smiling.

"You're adorable when you're tired.." Joe smiles.

"So are you, you're like a little sloth when your tired, it's the cutest.." I giggle.

Joe rolls his eyes and chuckles and a few minuets later the plane lands.

We catch a taxi from the Airport to the hotel, it's an awesome hotel and looks beautiful. Not to mention, it's boiling hot here so hopefully I'll get a tan.

Zoe and Louise helped us plan our honeymoon and they chose the hotel and offered to pay half the price which was lovely of them but we said we'd pay.

They chose the honeymoon suit for us and it is absolutely gorgeous.

We put our luggage in the hotel room and then I head into the bathroom and take a shower. I pull my hair into a messy ponytail and change into some cute high waisted ripped denim shorts and a floral cropped top with my cute coral bikini underneath.

I spray on some perfume and head into the bedroom where Joe is lying on the bed with shorts and a t-shirt on. He's on his laptop, probably editing.

"So, going to the pool or what?" I ask.

"Let's gooo!" He replies.

We head out to the pool and I take off my shorts snd crop top and sunbathe on a sun lounger for a while and then I feel two arms lift me up. Joe.

I open my eyes, "What are you doing?!"

He gives an evil laugh and I know what's coming, I can't stop him so I scrunch my eyes up and wait for it. The cold splash.

He threw me and the pool as you can guess. Just like old times.

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt