Chapter 33

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Joe's POV:

I wake up and hear Mia puking in the bathroom, it's only 6:30am. Poor thing.

I rub my eyes and get out of bed and stumble to the bathroom.

"Aw babe..." I say rubbing her back and holding her hair back.

She flushes the toilet after puking and brushes her teeth.

"I hate this, it happens nearly every morning. I also hate my stomach, I was so skinny before and now I have this whole new weight to carry around. I hate it." She moans.

"It'll be alright Mia, think of the end result. Our own little bundle of happiness." I say.

"Yeah.." She gives a weak smile and pecks me on the lips before heading back to bed.

Later that morning I am scrolling through twitter on my laptop and I can hear Mia talking cheerfully in our room, she must be recording a video.

"..and I've been vomming nearly every morning, it's awful! Anyway.." I catch her saying.

I decide to FaceTime Zoë in my spare time as we haven't visited the Deyes family for a while and I should catch up with my sister.

I pick up my phone and FaceTime her, she picks up after 5 rings.

"Hey Broseph.." She says, smiling but looking tired.

"'Ello! How's it going in the Deyes household?" I ask.

"Brilliant. Little Hazel has been walking for a while now as you know, so she's up at the early hours jumping on Alfie and I, tiring but adorable" Zoe grins, "how's about you?" She asks.

"That's cute" I laugh, "Good, I guess. Mia'a probably told you, she's getting the worst morning sickness at the moment though, only for the past two months though." I explain.

"She told me, the poor thing. I didn't struggle with morning sickness at all really." Zoe explains.

We chat for a long while before Zoe says she has to end the call.

"Got to go and care for my little toddler now, give my love to Mia and the bump. Speak soon, bye!" Zoe says cheerfully.

"Will do. Say hi to Alfie from me and give Hazel a hug from uncle Joe. Cheerio ZoBo!" I grin and end the call before switching my phone off.

I walk into the other room and Mia is just finishing her video.

"Thanks so much for watching and I really appreciate all your love and support for the bump and us. We are very happy. I love you all millions, goooooodbye!" She grins and covers the camera and turns it off.

She sits back down and drinks some water, picks up her phone and starts typing to someone. She hasn't noticed I'm here.

She looks over and jumps.

"Oh my...!" She yells, "flipping hell Joe! You scared the living daylight out of me!" She laughs.

I chuckle and go over to her, wrapping my arms tightly around her larger waist.

"This bump is making me so tired and emotional, who knew it could be so draining.." Mia sighs.

"Well to be honest, you do have an actual little human being growing inside your stomach, so of course it's draining. You're doing very well at the moment though." I grin, pecking her on the cheek.

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang