Chapter 31

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Mia's POV;

I wake up and Joe's arm is wrapped loosely around my waist and he is in a deep sleep. Today we need to catch our flight back to Heathrow at 2:00pm.

I check the clock, it's 8:30am and I should probably get ready and wake Joe. I decide as I take longer to get ready and Joe takes about half an hour most of the time, I'll leave him to sleep whilst I get ready so he's not super tired later because he loves his lie-ins.

I get put of bed, careful not to wake Joe, and head into the bathroom. I pull my hair up into a bun and take a shower using the shower gel from Zoe's Zoella Beauty range.

I get out of the shower and change into some black leggings, a black vest top and a big Disney sweater {OUTFIT IN MEDIA BAR}.

I brush my hair which is still curly from where I curled it yesterday and tie it into a high messy ponytail.

I don't apply any makeup as it's just a flight and there's no point. I have got extremely confident in myself and my skin ever since Zoe made a video about it ages ago and she has also told me that my skin is great (it's not but whatever) and I should never feel out of my comfort zone without makeup.

I brush my teeth then leave the bathroom and kiss Joe on the head, waking him up.

"Time to wake up gorgeous, our flight home is today." I whisper.

"Mmhhhmm" he groans and screws his eyes shut.

I head over and pack my stuff into my small backpack for on the flight. I put my laptop, portable phone charger, makeup wipes, rescue remedy, headphones, bottle of water and my book into my bag.

I search around the bathroom and the rest of our hotel room grabbing everything and making sure nothing get's left behind. My suitcase is now packed up and I'm ready. Joe comes out of the bathroom all clean and ready. He's wearing grey joggers and a plain black t-shirt.

"Are you all packed?" I ask him.

"Nearly!" He replies and begins to put a few last bits in his suitcase and then when we're ready we grab our phones and luggage and leave the hotel room.

We sign out of the hotel and give our key in and head off to the airport in a taxi.

We get to the airport and go through security and all that first. I head to a Mac shop at the airport and snoop around in there whilst Joe get's us both a Starbucks. I end up buying one Mac lipstick in a lovely pink shade called Betty Bright.

I meet Joe outside the shops and he gives me a tea from Starbucks that he just got for us. I ordered a normal tea and Joe got a cool lime refresher.

We drink out drinks and then board the plane. We arranged to go home on a first class flight as neither of us had ever had the luxury of it and it looked awesome {google it, it looks so nice!}.

We get onto the plane and it looks lovely, the lights are dim and it looks lovely. Each person has a seat to themselves which you can turn into a bed and theres a TV screen on each one with a great choice of movies.

Joe and I find our seats and the plane takes off and amazingly, I don't have a panic attack. I manage to keep the anxiety in the pit of my stomach at control and keep calm.

I set out the bed and pull my headphones on and open up my 'Calm' app and listen to raindrop sounds as they make me feel most relaxed. I close my eyes and soon drift into a peaceful sleep.


I'm standing on Brighton pier with Joe and our children, one is a boy with sandy blonde hair and the others are two girls. One with dark brunette hair like me and one with caramel brown/blonde hair like Joe's.
I look at Joe and smile as our young children dance around the pier laughing. We get off the pier and in the car and take them to our beach. It's the beach where Joe proposed to me. The children are still laughing and running about whilst Joe gives me a kiss..

"Mia! Wake up babe, we're landing.." I hear Joe say, softly.

I open my eyes slowly and remember that I'm not on the beach with Joe and our children and that I'm on the plane coming home from our honeymoon.

I smile at Joe and he grins back.

"What's the smile for?" He chuckles.

"I had a dream that we had kids.." I trail off, smiling.

"Aww, I can't wait for the day we do.." He says, looking so happy.

The plane lands and I pack my headphones and phone back into my bag and take off my fuzzy socks and put  them in my bag too and pull on my normal socks and my white converse.

I grab my bag and leave the plane and then we go and get our suitcases and then Joe calls a taxi to pick us up from Heathrow and we wait in the airport until it arrives. It takes us home and drops us in a town in Wiltshire so we catch a bus from there to our village and then walk from the bus stop to our house.

We enter the house which is extremely cold as we haven't been in it for a week or so and I turn the lights on and put all my language in our room ready to unpack tomorrow.

I have a glass of water and make us both some pasta for dinner which we eat together and then I start a blogpost about our holiday Greece which I am going to add some photos onto when I put the memory card from the camera I took in my computer.

After a while of writing I save the post and close my laptop. I head upstairs where Joe is already asleep in bed and I head to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. After getting ready I pull back the duvet and flop next to Joe, happy to be home.


hey guys!

so first of all, sorry for being crap with updating this fan fiction, I have had complete writers block and no motivation to write it and also it's the summer break/holidays so I am quite busy with things too.

I have re-gained my motivation though so hopefully I am going to start pre-writing more of this fan fic so that I have stuff to publish and don't need to write more every time I need to publish.

Thank you all so much for the endless support on my two books and the lovely comments and messages I get, you are all lovely.

My first book Gone When I Need You Most, has got far over 30k reads now which is INSANE and I can't thank you enough!

I want to take this opportunity to give a sneaky shoutout to a lovely reader of both this book and my previous one (Gone When I Need You Most). She has been messaging me lovely things about my book and she too has a Joe Sugg fan fiction which I have started to read and is great so far.
Her username is; anguess .

Please remember to

-follow me

as usual and have a great day.

Love you very much,

positive quote;
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one remembers to turn on the light" - Albus Dumbledore.

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelWhere stories live. Discover now