Chapter 13

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Mia's POV:

I wake up and check my phone, replying to any messages and checking my social media. I get up and go for a shower. I wash my hair and dry it into it's natural waves and then I decide to curl it. I do my everyday makeup but as its winter I decide to go for a darker lip colour, it's a dark ish red/purple.
I change into black leggings and a burgandy jumper and Joe wakes up.
"It's moving dayyy!" I smile.
He laughs and sits up in bed grabbing his phone.
"Oh so it is, 23rd of November." He smiles.
"Yay!" I squeal.
Today is the day Joe and I move to Wiltshire. It's 10:00am now and at 12:00 a moving van comes to collect our belongings and take them to Wiltshire. Nearly everything is boxed up. All I have to do is pack my makeup and hair stuff and then I'm done.
There's 4 bags with my clothes and accessories in.
One bag with books and and 3 bags with Joe's clothes and stuff and the rest of our stuff is in boxes downstairs.
All the furniture is downstairs.
I'm super excited but there's a small part of me that is sad to be leaving the familiar seaside city. I let out a gaint sigh, sometimes you just need to.
Joe gets up and comes over to hug me.
"It's alright M. It'll be fun in Wiltshire!" Joe says, basically reading my mind.
"Thanks." I give a half hearted smile.
'New beginnings I guess...' I mumble sadly.
"Cheer up babe." Joe smiles at me.
"I know I'm being stupid it's j-just..." I trail off and a big silent tear rolls down my face.
"Awh Mia! Come here beautiful!" He says and wipes my tear with his thumb and wraps me in a warm, comforting hug.
I laugh at myself.
"I want to move to Wiltshire, it's just I'll miss here. The only things that's holding me back is the memories. I'm such a emotional person, I cry at everything." I giggle.
Joe grabs my hands and looks in to my eyes, smiling.
"We'll be fine. We'll love it when we get there. How about you go say bye to Zoe, Alfie, Niomi, Marcus and Gabby whilst I have a shower and get ready?" Joe suggests.
"That's a good idea. I'll be back at 11:30, see you soon!" I smile, giving Joe a quick peck on the lips and leave the flat. It looks so weird empty.
I walk to Zoe and Alfie's place and ring the bell on their flat door.
"Yo!" Says Zoe as she opens the door, holding her little bump. I forget she's pregnant. That sounds as if I mean that she's fat. She's not, she's super skinny usually, when she's not pregnant. What I mean is that she's so active for a heavily pregnant woman it's unbelievable.
"Hey." I give a little smile.
"What's up?" She asks, gesturing for me to come inside. I walk in and begin to speak.
"I just popped around to say bye, Joe and I are moving back to Wiltshire today." I say.
"Awh, it's sad to see you go. You won't be just a walk away anymore!" Zoe pouts and laughs, "hope the move goes well though." She smiles.
"Aw thanks. I'm sure it will. I know I'll have to Skype you and Alf every week or something to catch up." I smile.
"Yes! We will. Do you wanna say bye to Alfie as we're speaking of him?" She asks.
"Yeah, okay. Is he free?" I ask.
"Yeah, he's probably filming or editing in his office." She asks.
"Okay!" I smile.
"ALFIE! Mia is moving today and came round to say bye. Get yo ass here!" She shouts, giggling. I laugh as Alfie appears.
"Hey Alfie!" I smile.
"Hey, so you're moving to Wiltshire today?" He asks.
"Yep! Just popped round to say farewell and I must be quick because I have to go see Marcus, Niomi and probably Gabby too. Bye guys!" I say, pulling them both into a group hug.
"Bye!" They both say in unison.
"Good luck with baby deyes/sugg and I'll come down once to baby is in the world!" I giggle, "also Joe and I will probably have a house warming so you can come up and see the new house soon if Zo's up to it." I smile.
"Awh thanks! I hope I'll be. Yes you'll have to come and see little Zalfie baby. See you soon hun, have a safe journey!" Zoe smiles.
"See you. Have a good journey!" Alfie smiles.
"Byeee!" I smile and wave and leave the flat.
I go over to Narcus' place and say bye and then I go to Gabby's and we have a chat and a cup of tea and then I say bye and head off back to our flat.
I walk into the empty looking flat and Joe is being all boxes downstairs.
"Need a hand Suggy?" I ask.
"Oh hey Mia! Yep, that'd be great ta." He smiles.
I'll take all the boxes of my art stuff down here then and I'll also do all the boxes off YouTube stuff/camera equipment and all my bags of stuff." I smile and head upstairs and start shoving boxes around.
After all the boxes and bags are crowding the hallway downstairs and we've finished it's 12:00 on the dot.
The doorbell rings and it's the man who'll be driving our moving lorry.
He helps us take all the boxes, bags and furniture to the lorry and when we're all packed up. He leaves and says he'll meet us at the house.
We take one last look around the flat, checking we haven't left anything and taking in what it looks like before leaving and heading to me and Joe's car (we share a car now, it's easier an less expensive).
We have one bag in the car with stuff we'll need on the car journey and that's it.
"Ready?" Joe asks as we do up our seatbelts.
"Yep! You?" I ask.
"Yeah, let's go! Wiltshire, we're coming back. Get ready for Jia!" Joe laughs.
I giggle and we drive off.
"Bye Brighton!" I say, looking around it for the last time as we leave.
We fill up the 3 hour journey with listening to music, talking, laughing and being stupid.
We get there and the moving lorry is parked up outside.
He helps us get all the boxes a furniture in.
{three hours later}
We had settled in now and quite a few things were unpacked. I was sitting on the double bed in bedroom we decided would be ours and I was watching YouTube videos on my laptop.
I was stalking Joe's twitter account when he came in.
"Whatcha doin'?" He asked, curiously.
"Oh, just looking at the most perfect man in the world's twitter account.." I mumble, smiling.
Joe looks annoyed and comes over then realises I mean his account.
"You're cute.." He trails off and flops next to me on our bed.
"I love you."
"I love you too. For always and forver?"
"For always and forever."
Woah I really love my cheesiness don't I? Haha.
Hope your enjoying the regular updates, I'm trying to do on everyday atm but sorry if it doesn't carry on.
Thanks for reading,

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