Chapter 26

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Mia's POV:

The text says;
'Ring me I have some news. Don't get upset though, please. X'
What?! What news? Don't get upset? My mind starts to buzz with all the things that could've happened.
I ring his number and it seems to ring forever.
"Hello?" He answers.
"What's happened?!" I answer quickly.
"Calm down Mia. Basically the Taxi we were getting to the hotel crashed. We're all fine, but the taxi driver is highly injured in hospital and I am in hospital too with a broken arm.." Joe stumbles.
"What?" I gasp, "are you okay? Is Jim okay? Are the others okay?" I ask.
As soon as I mention Jim, Tanya's eyes widen and a look of worry appears on her face.
"Yes, they're all fine. It's just me who got injured.." He says.
"It had to be you. It's always you or us or's just not fair!" I curse.
"What? It's only a broken arm!" Joe raises his voice down the phone.
"Yeah, but now I want to see you! Make sure you're okay!" I say, in a small voice.
"Yes, I'm fine Mia. I promise. I have cast on my arm but I promise you, it's fine!" He says.
"Yes, you're alright. I'm overreacting, as bloomin' always! Sorry.." I trail off.
"Oh Mia, it's okay! It's not going to ruin my stag do! Well, I have to go now. Love you tons and tons, bye!" He ends the call before I can say anything more.
"Love you tons more..." I whisper to the phone even though he can't hear me, I burst into tears.
"What?! What happened?" Tanya gasps.
"Joe and the boys were in car crash, only Joe and the taxi driver got injured, Joe has a broken arm but it's ruined his stag do and he's a long way away and I just want to hug him and....." I trail off, wiping my tears.
"Oh Mia, he's fine. They're fine. Don't worry, it's only his arm, it won't have ruined it!" She comforts.
I smile weakly, "I'm such a stupid emotional wreck of a girl..." I mumble.
"No, you're great. Don't worry. I'm a soppy person too.." Tanya laughs.
I laugh too, "okay let's find the others and start this hen do!" I smile.
"Yes, that's the spirit! Come on!" Tanya says.
She pulls me up and we go and get the others, I tell them all what happened and are all sympathetic about it.
We head into London and have a lovely day of sightseeing even though we've all done this many times.
We have dinner at a posh restraunt and then we head to the Victoria Palace Theatre to watch Billy Elliot the musical in the West End.
I'm super excited as I love musicals, Billy Elliot is one of my faves.
We watch the musical and it's truly amazing, the cast is so talented, especially the little boy who plays Billy. He's only 12 and can dance amazingly.
I sing along quietly to all the songs and when it's over, for some reason, I have happy tears in my eyes, that's how good it was.
I stand up and clap at the end, wooping loudly with Anna, Louise and Zoe who are also wooping loudly.
We head to stage door after and meet the boy who played Billy, he's adorable. I take a selfie with him ans secretly fangirl and then we leave.
We get a taxi back and Price Tag by Jessie J comes on and Zoe, Louise, Tanya and Sarah all sing along loudly. The taxi driver probably hates us.
"It's not about the money money money, we don't need your money money money, we just wanna make the world dance, forget about the price tag!" We all join in on the chorus.
We pay the driver and get out at the hotel, all still singing and laughing.
It's as dark as it gets in London and there are fairy lights outside the hotel that look super pretty.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and Joe's calling me.
"Hey!" I say, happily.
"Hello m'love!" He replies in a super Wiltshire accent.
"What's up?" I ask.
"The sky" he jokes.
"You dick! No, really, how are you?" I ask, laughing.
He chuckles, "I'm feeling good. We're having a nice day in New York, sightseeing and all that Jazz.."
"Good, glad you're okay babe.." I grin as I think of Joe.
"How was the musical then?" Joe asks.
"It was amazing. I met the bot who played Billy and got a selfie and had a mini fangirl!" I laugh.
Joe laughs, "Oh Mia! Well, I gotta go for lunch with everyone now, goodnight for you. Love you!"
"Have a nice lunch. Love you too, bye!" I exclaim.
"Bye!" Joe says, happily before hanging up.
I say goodnight to the girls and head to my hotel room. I tweet the selfie with the guy who played Billy and say how amazing the musical was and then see Joe has tweeted.
'Broken arm from taxi crash:( All's good though, don't you guys worry! Still gonna vlog & have a great time x' Joe tweeted two hours ago.
I favourite it and then check my other social media then reply to a few messages. I take my makeup off and do my skincare routine then change into my pyjamas and get into bed. I tweet 'goodnight lovelies<3' and then put my phone down and fall into a peaceful sleep, my mind filled with thoughts of Joe, quite literally the man of my dreams.
Short chapter, but I wanted to fill the cliffhanger.
Sorry for slower updates, I have been busy so I haven't managed to get ahead with chapters again but I should do soon. I also haven't been motivated to write this at all and have had major writers block atm so I hope you understand.

If you enjoyed please...



Positive quote;
"Be yourself because the people that matter don't mind, and then people mind don't matter" - Not sure who said this, but it is my favourite quote ever.

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelWhere stories live. Discover now