Chapter 19

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Mia's POV;

I wake up and its dark. I check the clock, 4:43am on the 22nd December.
Joe is sleeping peacefully next to me, I smile over at him. He is truly irresistible, you just wanna hug him every time you see him.
I get out of bed quietly and slip my slippers on. I pad over to the window and peer out of the curtains, it's snowing. I get a small burst of excitement in my body, like a child. I want to wake Joe up and go out in it but he'd be cross. It's too early. Oh well.
"Joe...wake up babe.." I whisper, lightly tapping his shoulder.
"What?" He grumbles, tiredly.
"It's snowing!" I whisper, like a child.
"That's nice.." He mumbles and covers his face in the duvet.
I sigh, "I'll go out in it on my own then.." I say.
"What?" He says, slightly more aware, "you're not going anywhere on your own!" He says and drags himself up.
"Holy moly..." I say, my mouth hanging open as I stare at his perfect body.
You'd think I'd be used to this by now, I'm still not.
"What?" He chuckles, dragging on a hoodie.
"Oh nothing babe...don't worry." I giggle.
"I know exactly what you mean now.." He laughs.
"Joseph!" I giggle.
We head downstairs and I'm about to leave when Joe stops me.
"You're not going out there in just your pyjamas, you must be crazy. You are wearing a t-shirt Mia! Put on my jacket!" He says, giving me one of his jackets and I smile and grab his hand and lead him out of the door.
We stand on the driveway, looking over at the street, covered perfectly in a layer of sparkling white snow. I turn the flash on my phone as it's dark and take a picture, it's not often you get snow in the UK really.
I link myself to Joe and we walk down the snowy driveway, making perfect footprints in the untouched snow.
Our breath can be seen in the crisp and cold morning air and it feels magical.
"Are we heading up to Zoe's today?" I ask.
"Yeah, we'll stay there until christmas eve and then us and them will travel up to my mums for christmas eve, then spend the night at my dads and half the day at dads and the evening at ours with your family. That's the plan." Joe says.
"Okay, sounds cool." I smile.
I yawn and burry my face is Joe's shoulder.
"I'm tireddd.." I complain.
"This was your idea, let's go back inside. We need to get up again at 9:30 ish because your train to Brighton is at 11:03." He says.
"Okay, let's go. I'm shattered." I say.
We get into the house and I head back to bed. Joe climbs in next to me.
"I'm freezing.." I whisper, curling into a ball.
Joe's arms curl around my body and he pulls me close, fitting our bodies perfectly together. I slowly fall asleep.

// dream \\
I wake up and its dark. I climb out of bed and walk downstairs. Joe is nowhere to be seen.
"Joe?" I shout, it just echoes into the darkness with no reply.
I see a small envelope with 'Mia' written on it and I open it.
'Dear Emilia,
This is a note to say that I do not love you anymore. I have gone to live in America and I will hopefully find someone else to live my life with. You are too complicated and you are not right for me. I'm really sorry, don't take it personally.
All the best,
Joseph Graham Sugg x'
I read through the letter, not believing it. What?
He doesn't love me anymore. My life is nothing without him. Goodbye world. I run to the nearest bridge, I run a long way. My bare feet sore against the concrete.
"Stupid life. My life is just a huge mistake! Bye world!" I mumble as I jump and feel myself falling through the air. I hit the ice cold water below me.
// end of dream \\
I jolt awake. Tears in my eyes, a knot of worry in my stomach. Why are all my nightmares about Joe leaving me, deciding he doesn't love me.
My life is just a huge mistake.
"Joe?" I whisper.
He stirs but doesn't wake up.
What if he doesn't love me, what if it's all some sick joke? It can't be. He tells me he loves me. What if he's lying just to make me happy? It does make sence anyway;
My life is just one big lie.
No. Don't say that, don't think that.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around my small body.
"What's the long face for?" Joe whispers, huskily.
I let out a long sigh.
"Nightmare. All my nightmares are of you hating me. What is my mind trying to tell me...?" I whisper.
"I don't hate you Mia, I love you. I always will. For always and forever." Joe whispers. My heart nearly melts to a puddle and a get butterflies in my stomach.
"I love you too."
I sigh and get up, it's 9:30 anyway.
I head to the bathroom and take a shower, I come into our room and change into some black leggings and an oversized fluffy grey jumper.
I pull my hair into a french braid coming down to the side. I only put on a little makeup as we'll be on trains all day. I put on a small amount of concealer where needed, powder, mascara and lip gloss and I do my eyebrows. I spray on some perfume and then head downstairs where Joe has made us both a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He hands me a bowl.
"Thanks Joseph." I smile and sit down at the table and eat my breakfast.
After Joe's had a shower and got ready he comes down and we head to the door and make sure we have our bags. Joe and I both have a suitcase each because as well as our stuff we also have christmas presents to carry with us too so we might as well have suitcases.
I slip on my white converse and Joe puts on some white hightops and we head out.
"My favourite thing is Joe in vans, converse or high tops and rolled up skinny jeans. It makes you look so freaking hot..." I laugh, looking Joe as we walk to the train station.
"Thanks.." Joe chuckles.
I giggle and take his hand as we walk. We get stopped by some veiwers at the train station and take a few pictures and have a quick chat before catching our train.
"Sugar! Joe I forgot to bring my vlogging camera with me!" I curse.
"Oh no! You'll just have to do the rest of vlogmas with your phone." He says.
"Yeah I guess, damnit!" I curse.
I take out my phone and go onto camera and hold it up.
"Morning guys! So, Joe and I are on the train going to Zalfie's place to stay until christmas eve and then we will go to Tracy, Zoe and Joe's mum's, place for christmas eve and then go to daddy Sugg, aka Graham's, place for christmas morning and then head to our place again to meet my family for te rest of christmas day, that's the plan. Isn't it Suggy?" I say, turning the phone to Joe who nods and smiles.
"Also, sozzles for the crap quality, I left my vlogging camera at home (typical Mia) and now I have to use my phone for the rest of vlogmas. So sorry guys!" I say and then turn my phone off.
Joe starts his vlog too and then we both sit in silence for a while.
"Well, we're not very talkative this morning.." I chuckle.
"No...I just- have a lot on my mind." Joe says.
"Awh...what's 'a lot' if you don't mind me asking?" I ask.
"I just can't help getting stressed about everything...vlogmas, it's a lot to handle. Also, our wedding and planning and all that and also being an uncle now. It's all very sudden and a lot to take in." Joe sighs.
"I understand you gorgeous, I get the message. Don't worry, I'm a little stressed about it all too.." I smile.
Joe looks down at me, he gives a half smile.
"You're pretty.." He say in a kind of 5 year old voice which, by the way, melts my heart.
"You're handsome.." I say, mocking his voice and he laughs and shoves my arm, playfully. I roll my eyes and plug my headphones into my phone.
"Would you mind if I listened to music?" I ask.
"No, no. Go ahead babe." He smiles.
I smile and put my headphones on and open Spotify and shuffle my favourite playlist.
'Night Changes' by One Direction comes on and I lean on Joe's shoulder and close my eyes. I'm so tired.
"Mia, wake up! We're here! C'mon it's time to go see Zoe and Alfie." Joe says, quietly.
I open my eyes and groan.
I sort out my hair and get up and get off the train, grabbing my suitcase on the way out.
We catch a bus to near Zoe and Alfie's place and then walk to their place.
We ring the doorbell and Zoe immediately answers.
"Guyssss!" She squeals and wraps me in a hug.
"Hey Broseph!" She giggles.
"Yo ZoBo!" Joe laughs.
She gestures us and Alfie comes over and hugs us.
"So, we are at Zoe and Alfie's now. I didn't vlog much on the train as I fell asleep, I am so tired today." I laugh, vlogging.
I put away my phone.
"Where's baby Hazel then guys?" I ask. Zoe leads me and Joe over to the sofa where Alfie has sat down again and is cradling a gorgeous baby girl.
"Oh my! She is so beautiful." I whisper, gripping Joe's hand.
"She's so adorable.." Joe says, quietly.
"Isn't she just?" Zoe replies.
I kiss the top of Hazels head.
"She is going to be an absolute stunner when she's older!" I gush.
Zoe and Alfie nod.
"I hope one day we can have a cute little baby.." Joe whispers, so only I can hear him. I nod and smile.
We have cuddles with Hazel and Joe and I talk about the fact we are now and Auntie and Uncle.
Zoe takes a picture of me cradling Hazel and I post on twitter.
'Meeting baby Hazel for the first time, she's gorgeous. Cannot believe I am an auntie!<3 pic.twitter/ajsakbaka1282' tweet. It gets so many favourites, retweets and cute replies.
I smile and put my phone away and stand up.
"I'll make dinner, you guys must be super bust at the moment with Hazel." I say.
"I'll help." Joe quickly volunteers.
"Cheers guys! That's great" Alfie speaks.
I smile at Zoe and Alfie cuddled together on the sofa with little Hazel.
"They're such a cute little family, it's adorable." I smile.
"Yeah." Joe says as we walk into the kitchen.
"So, what shall we make?" I ask Joe.
"Dunno, how about pasta? It's easy?" Joe suggests.
"Yeah, okay lets go." I say and suddenly I get a sharp cramp in my stomach.
"Ouch." I wince, clutching my stomach.
"What?" Joe asks, a picture of concern on his face.
The pain fades, "just one of those weird one second crap things." I chuckle.
"Ohhh, I hate those."
"I know. Let's get started on dinner."
We begin to make pasta and then we make a tomato sauce to go with it.
We soon have dinner ready and we all sit down on the sofas and watch TV whilst eating dinner.
Zoe and Alfie take Hazel to bed at about 7:30 and Zoe and Alfie decide to go to bed at 9:00 because their super tired with being up all night from Hazel.
"Oh nooooooo." I complain.
"What?" Joe asks.
"Hazel will keep us up crying all night.." I sigh.
"Oh god...yeah." Joe says.
Joe pulls me towards him and I rest my head on his chest. I look up at him and sigh.
"How did I get so lucky?" I whisper.
Joe lightly laughs and kisses the top of my head.
I smile up at him and giggle.
"I feel sorry for your fans/viewers/sugglets.." I say.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because they see you on a screen everyday and are in love with you and you don't even know half of them but they love you so much!" I giggle.
"That's true, even though I don't know them, I do appreciate every one of my sugglets and love them a lot.." Joe says.
"Awh, cute Joe and sugglets moment.." I laugh and he rolls his eyes.
"Let's go to bed." I say.
"Mia! I thought you were tired!" Joe asks, smirking.
"I am....that's why I said let's go to bed you idiot! What did you think I meant?" I laugh.
"Oh...I thought you meant.." Joe chuckles.
"Oh my god, you're such a dickhead! Since when does 'lets go to bed' mean that? You bum!" I laugh.
"Well sorryyy." Joe laughs.
I roll my eyes and we head to the spare room.
I quickly change into my pyjamas and do my bedtime skincare routine ect and then get into bed.
Joe wraps his muscly arms around my waist and I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.
I wake up to a piercing cry, its a baby. Hazel. Urghhhh.
Joe groans and rubs his eyes, looking over at me.
"Bloody baby, it's four fucking AM!" Joe complains.
"Calm down!" I laugh.
Joe buries his head in my neck and groans. He's very tired.
"Joseph?" I ask.
"I'm tired.."
"Well no shit sherlock! It's 4am, who isn't?"
I giggle and soon the high pitched wailing stops and I fall back into a restless sleep next to a very cute and sleepy Joe.
Yay, #Jia meets Hazel!
Hope you are enjoying this. The next chapter will be more interesting hopefully.
Have a great day & remember to smile.
Ily people,
P.s. Shoutout to everyone who's reading, voting and commenting.

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