Chapter 32

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Mia's POV:

Joe and I have been married for two years now, everything is going well.
"Mia.."  Joe says nervously one night over the dinner table.

"Yes Joe?"

"Well, you know how Hazel is two and Jim and Tan have baby one the way?" He asks.

I know what's coming.


"I wondering if we could...if you wanted...if-" I cut him off.

"Yeah...Joe. I want a baby too." I say.

"Soon?" Joe asks.

"Yes, soon." I smile.

"But first, is there anything you want to consider. Like, you know that when we get this child there's no going back. This is the end of our freedom of being young and non parents.." Joe says.

"I know, we're 27 now. I think that's fine. We've had a good time together without having children to look after. I'm ready to have children and watch them grow up. I want to start our little family." I say.

"Me too" Joe grins.

So, that's it...we do what is to be done and 4 months later I am officially pregnant with our baby. I have known for a while but haven't told anyone yet.

"Maybe we should tell our families now?" I ask, "I'm ringing Sarah right now, then my parents...I'm so nervous.." I mumble.

"It'll be fine, you'll be okay. I'm sure they'll be great about it." Joe reassures.

"Yes, you're right. Deep breaths." I say, trying not to panic.

"Good luck!" Joe hugs me before I dial my sisters number.

It rings, and rings and then-

"Mia! What's up?" My sisters chirpy voice rings.

"Hey. Well, I have some news. Baring in mind I am so nervous right now.." I say.

There's a pause, "okaaay. What is it?" Sarah asks, sounding worried.

"Well, Joe and I are having a child." I announce.

"Congratulations!" Sarah squeals, "oh my god I'm gonna be an auntieee!"

"Thank you!" I giggle.

"Well, I have to go. I'm off out with Danny and some other friends for lunch. But have you told the parentals yet?" She asks.

"No, I'm about to. I'm so fucking nervous!"

"You'll be fine. Don't worry! Got to go sis. Good luck!"



I hang up and take a deep breath.

"How'd it go?" Joe asks.

"Great, Sarah's really happy. Just got call my parents now." I say through gritted teeth.

Joe puts his hands on my shoulders, "you'll be fine, trust me" he says soothingly.

I dial their house phone number and wait for either of them to pick up.

"Hello darling" mum answers.

"Hi mum, I have some news.." I say.

"What is it honey?"

"Joe and I- well...oh god" I take a deep breath, "we're having a baby" I finish.

"Oh, how wonderful. Congratulations poppet!" Mum says happily.

Thank fuck.

"Thank you!" I grin, knowing mums fine with it.

"Josh! Mia and Joe are having a child!" I hear mum shout to dad.

"Oh my god. Can I speak to Mia?" Dad asks.

"Sure" mum replies.

"Hi M. Congratulations!" My dad says, sounding very pleased.

"Thanks dad. I have to go, Joe hasn't called Tracy, Zoe and Graham yet. Talk later." I say.

"Okay, well knowing his family they'll be very pleased. Good luck. Tell Joe congratulations from us both too." Dad says.

"Will do, bye dad!" I say.


I hang up and grin.

"Went well then?" Joe asks.

"Yep, your turn. They'll be fine with it I'm sure." I tell Joe.

He calls his mum first who is very happy for us, then Zoe and Alfie, they're thrilled and Zoe does a little squeal when she finds out.

"Now for dad.." Joe says.

He calls his dad.

"Hi dad" ... "yes I'm fine.." I hear Joe say.
"No, I have some news."
"Mia's pregnant"
"No- on purpose. Yes, we want a child."
"Thanks dad."
"Yeah dad, we're 27. That's not too young."
"You didn't give Zoe this much hassle about Hazel and that was an accident!" Joe says, sounding irritated.

Oh dear, can't be going very well.
"Yes, yes. Okay well got to go!"
Joe hangs up.

"Fuck that!" He curses, kicking the sofa.

"Babe, what went wrong?" I ask, concerned.

"Thinks we're too young, the bastard." Joe says, frowning.

"Well, it's not up to him!" I say, slightly annoyed too.


"Come here.." I say pulling Joe into a hug.

He kisses me passionately for a short while.

"I love you.." He mumbles.

"I love you too" I mumble back.


Kinda short but I was getting demands for an update and this should be more interesting.
Sorry for the huge time skip to two years ahead but I have been planning to do that.

Please remember to...

-follow me

thank you!

Have a lovely day,
Hel x

positive quote;
"make sure that all the people in your 'boat' are rowing and not drilling holes while you're not looking" - not sure<3

Can This Be Our Happy Ending? - A Joe Sugg Fan Fiction SequelWhere stories live. Discover now