14 | Convince

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I updated last night, so make sure you read chapter 13 if you haven't already.
all the love xx


Victoria Tomlinson

When I woke up, there was an uneasiness in my stomach. It was morning now, I could tell by the sunlight peeking through the curtains and lighting up my bedroom. Cujo was still beside me, snoring like a chainsaw. I could tell he was dreaming because his ears kept twitching and he kept kicking with his back leg.

The first thing I did was sit up and look right across to the other side of the room, where Z had been sitting when I woke up during the night. But, he wasn't there, and I was grateful that he had left and didn't continue watching me sleep like a creep, even if it was my dad's instructions.

I rubbed my eyes with the backs of my hands and took a deep breath, before stretching my arms right above my head in an attempt to wake myself up more. I had no idea what time it was, but it couldn't be after ten, because my mum would always come in and wake me up if I slept too late.

My headache was gone, and I felt much better overall, the uneasiness was only because of Z. His constant angry personality was just becoming draining. It was an effort to be around him, because I felt like I had to walk on my tiptoes to not set him off on another rant.

I didn't even know why he got angry at me last night, all I did was ask if he was okay, and he was mad at me.

Half of me wanted to just stay quiet and do what I was told around him, to make life much easier for us both

But the other half of me was desperate to keep provoking him. I shouldn't have to change the way I act, in my own home, in my own bedroom just because he's prone to having temper tantrums.

I got out of bed, waking Cujo up too. His eyes opened and he just huffed out a short breath, not wanting to get up. He loved my bed more than he loved his own bed.

I was excited for today because I didn't have to go to the gym with Harry, and I had nothing to do for my dad. Meaning I got to do whatever I wanted. I planned on just taking Cujo a walk around the grounds, maybe throw his ball for him too.

After getting dressed for the day, just putting on some comfy clothes since I didn't have to look nice for anyone, I finished the glass of water that had been on my bedside table since last night.

Cujo followed me out of the bedroom into the hallway.  I knew he would probably be hungry for his breakfast, I was too.

My room was in the main wing of the estate, the wide hallway led right to the staircase to the main part of the downstairs. It was pretty quiet, I still had no idea what time it was, so I didn't know if anyone else was awake or not.

I wandered down the long staircase, there was one on either side of the hallway, that both led down to the bottom floor. Me and Louis used to race down these staircases, until one time he fell. Then we weren't allowed to anymore. I took my time to walk down the stairs, knowing it was harder for Cujos little legs. He slumped down each step like a sack of potatoes, and if I was strong enough I would have carried him.

At the bottom of the stairs was the open main entrance to the house. The front door was lined with guards as usual, all here early in the morning. They all looked the same to me, I didn't know if they stood there all day every day, or if the guards were switched out every few hours.

"Morning," I smiled at them as I waited for Cujo to finish getting down the stairs.

They all just simultaneously nodded in response.

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