Mondays Suck

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The rest of the drive was pretty damn quite, a little to quite if you ask me. I was surprised that Cassie slept the whole time. Also that Sidney didn't make another peep after I said what I did. I truly thought about that before I said it though, I mean think about it. Hunters don't run off get married and have a dozen kids. Were here to get the job done, not to have fun and goof around. With the stories I've heard from Sam I don't wanna know what John would think if we did that.

I started to pull over because a motel spotted my eye. I turned left and parked my baby in the spot closest to the door. I woke up Cassie and told her to start unpacking the back. I was about to walk in side when I heard a screech come from Cassie

"What Cassie, what is it?"

She didn't say a word she just pointed with one hand on her face. I looked to the right to see a four door, black, 1967 Chevy Impala.

"That could be any Impala" I said with a smirk.

I continued to investigate when the biggest sign was walking straight towards us. One moose and one squirrel.

"Oh my gosh!!! Jenny what do we do!!!" Cassie looked as though she could cry

"Sidney can you give us some sort of disguise"

"Excuse me? I'm an Angel not a miracle worker."

"Well then could you at least flash us out of here!!"


Sidney placed her hands on both Cassie and I, then within a flash we were gone.


"Sammy did you see that flash, or do I just have ghost fever again."

Saying that made my arms itch.

"No Dean I saw it, lets go check it out."

We walked to were the flash came from. We found a red Chevy that looked oddly like Jennifer's.

"You don't think...?"

"Sammy, don't you dare say what I think you are about to say."

I quickly pulled out my phone and was about to tap on her name, but I stopped. Why can't I just trust her! Plenty of people have this car, there's no way it can be hers.

Jennifer's POV
"Sidney, where are we?"

"Well by the looks of it were in front of an abandoned gas station."

"I know that! I mean where."

"Uh guys." Cassie tried to chime in

"I just told you WHERE we are, don't raise your voice at me!"

"I'm not raising my voice, I'm just trying to talk to you, all I wanted you to do was flash us into a room or something not in the middle of freaking no where!"

"You Guys!"

"Jenny, you looked at me and said get us out of here, you didn't give specifics!!!"

"You two shut the hell up and let me speak!!!!"

Cassie startled both of us, but luckily it stopped us from killing each other.

"If you two would look in front of you, you would know where we are."

We both looked and I saw Sammy and Dean looking at my car, I really hope they don't see that picture of the four of us on the dash.

"Jen, there is no way the boys can't see us, and Dean knows your car we should just come clean."

"No Way! Dean would murder me, literally."

"Well then what do we do?"

"Sidney...." I batted my eyelashes as cute as possible

"Ugh! Flash us out, distract the boys, would you like me to make you sandwich to?"

"Actually that sounds quite delicious ca-" her wings flapped away " and she's gone"

Dean POV
"I'm telling you Sammy no one has this car, this has got to be Jennifer's!

"Dean calm down no one likes you when you yell." A random girl with dark hair and dark eyes was standing right in front of me.

"Sidney, what the hell. We asked you to look after the girls."

"I am looking after them."

"How, are they here with you..."

I could feel my face begin to get heated.

"Um, I - I no of course not. They are both safe and sound at Bobby's."

"Then why are you here?"

"Well you see I-I need some help working the vending machine so will you help me!"

She grabbed both of our arms and led us into the lobby of the motel.

Jennifer's POV
"I don't know what she did but Cassie look they left!"

We quickly ran across the road and re packed everything into my baby. Then we drove away as fast as possible.

"We can't leave Sidney!!!"

"Hey Sid if you ca hear us, you may join me and Cassie now."

"Oh come on Jen, that will never work she's busy and -"

"You called?"

Cassie gave me and grumpy cat face and went back to staring out the window.

"Thanks for everything today Sid, it truly meant a lot to me. It's good to have you back as my friend."

"Yeah you to Jen."

We drove further down the road until we reached another motel, this hunt is gonna be harder than I thought.

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