I like you

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I paced back and forth in the living room of Bobby's house. I needed to tell Dean I just didn't know how. I have to tell him that I like him. No Jenny! Your not in first grade. Just go up to him and be like.

"Hey Dean, I like you a lot."

No that will never work. Besides I just got out of the hospital 2 days ago. He's gonna say something like.

"Jenny don't rush into anything"

I still couldn't believe what I was doing. I was giving myself a mental pep talk and I would've kept going if I didn't here a slight bit of laughter in the back round. I turn to see Sam with a grin stretched across his! face.

"How long have you been standing there." I noticed I started to blush.

"Enough, to know" Sam smirked and walked towards me.

"Exactly what did you here."

He cleared his throat and did his best impersonation of me.

"Eh hem, Um Hey Dean I like you I like you a lot."

He was super squeaky and cracked a little bit. But I still smiled.

"That doesn't sound like me at all!" I stuck out my tongue in disgust then with that he walked into the kitchen, and grab a beer.

He walked back in to see me staring at a wall.

"Jen, just tell Dean, he'll understand I promise."

"Sam, I'm not the best at rejection..."

"Who says he'll reject you?"

At that moment Dean walked in with 4 sandwiches, and two pies.

"Hey guys I'm back and I bought pie."

San walked closer and whispered in my ear, "You better tell him before I do."

With that he walked away, I know I need to tell Dean I just don't know how.

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