Why are you here?

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Me and Sidney spent every waking day together we were basically sisters. Every now and then her parents would leave Josh in charge and they would leave for up to 2 weeks at a time, but they would always come home.
By the time me and Sidney turned 16 her parents decided to tell us where they had been all those times. They were hunters. At first I thought they meant like deer and things but then they pulled out this huge book, filled with every evil thing they had ever encountered.
My fear took over me and I ran out of that house. I didn't know what to think. My brother followed me and told me everything was gonna be alright. The monsters won't get me. After he said that I calmed down and walked back in. They taught me everything they know and said "Only use these things when in need."
After I found out a few weeks had and passed our parents had been gone for almost a month now and we were all worried. Josh had moved out and went to college but he always came pack to check on us.
Me and Sidney waited for almost 2 months when finally, she cracked and in the middle of the night set out to find them. We did end up finding her, five miles down the road crying. Our parents were dead. Sid couldn't take it she just wished she could be with them.
A few weeks after they died, Sidney went into a depression, then about a month later she developed brain cancer and it was not curable. I remember her saying I wish the Angels would take me away.
Well, she got her wish, because on July 25, 2007. A bright light flashed, and when I opened my eyes she was gone. Like completely gone no body. I never saw her again.
I took my self out of my memories. To think of everything I just remembered. I still couldn't believe who was standing right in front of me. I was so happy but I had so many questions but Sidney stopped me before I could open my mouth.
"Jen I know what your thinking, I'm alive because I'm an Angel. My job, I'm in charge of all the cupids. Why I'm here for you of course!"
"For me? If you are in charge of cupids why are you here?"
" Jennifer, it doesn't take a lawyer to prove that you have feelings for Dean."
" I know Sidney but he doesn't like me.."
"Girl, I'm in charge of every Cupid, you wanna see what Dean is doing right now?"
"Well I guess so."
She pulled a tablet out of her bag clicked on a video camera app, and typed in his name and I saw him sitting in a bar talking with some blonde.
"See I told you.."
"The volumes not up, here listen."
I watch as he talks to the busty blonde. He was overly drunk.
"You see Meg, I made a terrible mistake tonight, I'm pretty sure I lost the love of my life. If only she would have let me talk" he looked at his watch. "It's getting late I should have Sam walk over here and pick me up."
"Wait Sidney he loves me?"
"The tablet doesn't lie."
"Then I'm gonna go him. Stay here I'll be right back."
I ran down the street and saw a bar with a black Impala parked outside. I ran inside making a way bigger scene then I should of.
I saw as the handsome, yet very wasted man turned around.
I walked over to him, and pressed my lips on his, it wasn't the most romantic way of doing things but it worked.
"I love you Dean."
"I love you to Jennifer"
It pulled me into another kiss, but I knew I needed to get back to the motel, so we drove back.
I helped him get into bed, then I snuggled up next to him, everything was perfect. A little to perfect.

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