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We've already been siting in this car for 2 hours and we still had 3 to go. Where on our way to Minneapolis, Minnesota, because like I said it sounds like a shifter. So far eve listened to both of Deans favorite tapes once and Sam and Cassie talked a little back and forth. But nothing but awkward glances from Dean to me.

I decided to just try to sleep, knowing that if I keep my eyes open all I will see is Dean glaring at me. So I put in my headphones and begin to drift off. When..


"Dean watch out for the pot holes, that's the only one you've hit in years." Sammy said

"It's fine Sam I just wasn't paying attention."

"Not paying attention." Sam paused. "In this car, the car that you fixed from the bottom to the top, after we got hit by that semi."

"Wait what." I asked he didn't here me.

"The car that, a bitch possessed and slammed into a shop and the first thing that you did was check for scratches."

"Okay Sammy I get it." Dean chuckled.

"The car that.."

"Sammy GOD DAM IT I said I get it okay!"

Dean got really mad when he screamed I jumped and so did Cassie.

"Dean I'm sorry, I was just."

"Sammy, Just forget about it."

He looked into the mirror and straight at me.

"Just forget it ever happened and move on."

I could tell what he was saying, he wanted me to completely forget about the kiss, but how could I. I felt something with. That kiss and I could tell he did to. I have to get to the bottom of this.

I step away from my thoughts to find out it is extremely quite. I decide to try again with the whole sleeping thing, but first I look up at Dean, he nods and understands.

I plug in my headphones and drift off into my second sleep but this time no potholes.

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