Caught You.

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We ended up finally going to sleep at around 3:00 in the morning. Turns out all of the research was correct and we are dealing with a ghost.

Right now it is around 11:30 and if my memory is correct the boys should be returning from the crime scene about now.

I go outside and jump in my car and slowly pass by there motel. Yep, the Impala is there which means they probably already started research.

We all headed to the crime scene to see just what had happened.

"Wow, why are so many of you FBI agents coming around today? Is it really that big of a case?"

"Yes officer, Burns. Now if you would allow officer Almond and I through that would be great."

"Go right ahead ladies."

Cassie pulled me to the side before we went into the house.

"Almond? Seriously. That's the dumbest last name I have ever heard."

She rolled her eyes at the thought of that being a real last name.

"Hey, I'm sorry I panicked okay?"

We began walking towards the house when Cassie stopped me.

"What? Agent Almond is trying to do her job!"

"It's just, I feel bad."

"For what?"

"For going behind Deans back."

"Why do you feel bad he's my boyfriend."

"Yeah, but I still think he was only trying to make sure you don't get hurt again."

"I can look after myself!"

With that I pushed passed her and walked into the house. We didn't really speak very much to each other the rest of the time we were there.

The drive back was silent. All I could hear was the hum of my car and the occasionally bump of my tire hitting something on the pavement.

When we pulled back into the motel I saw Sidney standing in front of where we parked last.

"Hey Sid, what's up?"

She looked at her feet then back up at us.

"I'm really sorry you guys.."

Then she left.

"I wonder what all that was about?"

We started walking back towards our hotel room when we saw two men who we know all to well step out of our room.

"Never mind I think I know"

I heard the all familiar sound of steel toed boots sliding across the pavement. I tried my hardest to duck in cover but I knew I was to late. I look up and see a fairly familiar man hovering over me.

"Oh hey..." I say in a fancy seeing you here sort of way.

"Get up." Dean stares at me with those emerald green eyes of his.

"You know I actually think the ground is quite comfy I think you should..."

Dean cuts me off

"Get. up."

I slowly stand up as he stares at me, he doesn't look angry or frustrated just in a way scared.

I walk to my room in Cassie and the boys behind.

I sit down on my bed and wait for the boys to walk in and shut the door.

I keep my head down but I see Deans feet in front of me, I hear him crouch down like a father talking to his kid. Then surprisingly he wraps his arms around me.

"Jennifer..." he sighed but I don't give him the chance to speak

I remove his hands from my waist.

"No Dean, I know what you're gonna say."

He looks up at me waiting for me to speak.

"You're gonna say something like..." I began speaking in my best Dean voice. "Jennifer I told you to stay out of this case, but you disobeyed me... blah blah blah.... I'm older.... blah blah blah.... go home."

He grabbed my hands and looked at me. No, he gazed at me. He gazed at me in a way I've never seen him gaze before.

"Jen.. I knew you were gonna follow us."

He continues to gaze at me, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"You .. you did?" I stutter

"Of course I did, you are so much like me its insane. I knew you would follow us because just like me you could never stay away from a hunt."

"If you knew I couldn't stay away then why would you leave me behind."

"Because..." he got a little closer. "I almost lost you once. I can't lose you again"

He crashed his lips into mine like a firework of passion, we would have kept going but we were interrupted by a cough.

"Uh, Dean. sorry to interrupt this "love fest" but we have a case." Sam began to walk out of our room and towards his.

"Right." Dean grabbed my hand. "Well now that you're here, are you ready to work."

"of course I am."

With that we walked out of my room and into his planning how we wanted to take down this ghost, little did we know what we thought was gonna be an easy hunt. Turns out to be the hardest hunt of my life.

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