Its the right time...

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We all sat down at the dinning room table and Dean pulled out 4 bacon burgers, one for each of us. Then he went to the fridge and grabbed 4 beers and carefully handed everyone there food.

Everyone started eating and making casual conversation, except for me I stared at the wrapping of my hamburger thinking.

I wonder when I will get to tell him, and if when he finds out he'll sweep me off my feet and kiss me. I was awoken from my thoughts when someone snapped in my face. It was Dean.

"Jen, Jenny, hey earth to Jen, oh welcome back." He smirked and took another bite.

"Jen you were staring at the wall for the last 5 minutes, What were you thinking about?" Cassie Asked

"What? Oh sorry... Nothing..."

"Jen you haven't touched your burger, are you sure nothing's wrong?"

"Yeah I'm sure, um I'm just gonna go to my room."

With that I walked away leaving everyone speechless, I usually always finish my food and today I didn't touch it.

I walked the hall and walked into my room, a queen sized bed sat with two end tables. In front of my bed was a small cedar chest where I stored my shoes. I had a large glass window to the right with a window seat, and an oak desk on the left.

I then pulled one of my favorite books from my collection and sat on my window seat, trying to get my thoughts of Dean out of my head, but of course I picked of a Nicholas Sparks book so I ended up thinking more about Dean then I needed to. So I decided to take a short nap to clear my head.

What felt like 10 minutes later there was a slight knock on the door.

"Who's there?" I asked with a stern voice.

"Hey Jen, it's me Dean, um can I come in?"

I quickly shuffled around my room to make myself look good and through my hair into a high bun.

"Okay come on in."

The door creaked open and in popped a gorgeous man known as Dean Winchester.

I watched as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"I hope I'm not intruding." He asked

"No of course not I was just sitting here."

"You look beautiful for just sitting here."

I gave him a weird look.

"I...I mean..."

"Dean it's fine, thank you"

Everything was quite for about 30 seconds when it happened. Dean moved his face closer to mine and our lips touched.

It grew into this passionate kiss, then we pulled away.

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