Love before love exsisted

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"Sidney did you say Castiel, as in Cas, Dark brown haired man in a trench coat Castiel?"

"You know him?" Sidney looked at me with a funny look.

I quickly picked up my phone and started searching through pictures.

"Jen, what are you looking for exactly?"

Then I found it.

"Aha here it is!"

I showed her the picture, Dean looked just bored, and Cas looked as though he finally understood something, he was resting his head on one arm while listening to Sam.

I remember that day, Sam was explains the case to us. But he was starting to bore me so I took a couple pictures. Dean took my phone and deleted most of them, but he missed this one and I will forever keep it.

I pointed the phone towards Sidney and zoomed in to Cas.

"Sid, is this the man you were talking about?"

She looked at the phone for far to long then finally she spoke.

"I-I don't remember..."

"How can you not remember the love of your life?"

She looked at me then back at the phone.

"I have to go Jen."

"What why?"

"Don't worry I'll be back tomorrow."

I was just about to let her leave, when I realized her necklace was still sitting on my dresser.

"Sidney Wai"

With a sudden flash and the sound of fluttering wings she was gone.


I picked up the beautiful locket and opened it.

Inside it did say Castiel, but there was also a picture of him. She did remember, she just didn't want to admit it.

I was lost in what had all happened, when I looked at the time. 4 Am! Shit!

I jumped into bed and turned out the light and dozed off into a deep sleep.

Deans POV

I had probably been sitting here for the last 3 hours, drinking my thoughts away.

Surprisingly I haven't got one call from Sam yet. He'd usually be more worried.

Buzzzzzzz buzzzzzz
-called ID Sammy-

Looks like I spoke to soon.

"Dean where are you? You do realize it's 4 right?"

"Sammy don't worry I have everything under control."

He paused for a second.


"Ya what?"

"Are you drunk?"

"Of course what else do I have to do?"

"Why are drunk if you're out with Jen?"

Those words hit me...

"Out with Jen?"

"Yeah... You're with Jen right?"

"No, I'm not going anywhere with her!"

"Dean I thought you talked to her?"

"I tried she wouldn't let me talk... I gave up."

"Oh no.."

"What is it now Sammy?"

"We were hoping she was with you because she's not here."

"What do you mean she's not there?"

"I mean no Jen, no where to be found!"

I didn't even bother saying bye, I quickly jumped up and ran out of the bar.

I ran back down the street and into my motel room, I saw Cassie sitting there with Sam.

"Hey Dean, I was worried where's Jen?"

I didn't really know what I was doing but I grabbed Cassie's key and continued walking.

I quickly rushed into Jennifer's room and slammed open the door.


I see her lying in her bed, but now waking and looking angry. I started to walk towards her.

My brain told me no but my heart told me yes.

"Dean what the hel-!"

Now I really didn't know what I was doing because I cut off what she was saying with a kiss.

We kept it going for a few seconds, then let go.

I saw the confused look on her face, so I went to speak but she put a finger over my mouth.

Then her blue eyes stared into mine and I knew everything was going to be alright.

Then she pushed her lips into mine and we began kissing with intensity. One last time she looked and me and I knew she truly felt the same.

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