This isnt possible...

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I woke up.

Wait slow it back how's that possible last I remember was Dean crying and holding me in some mine and now I'm alive again?

I was sitting in the back of Deans impala with Dean. Sam was driving and Cassie was in the passenger seat.

"Hey Beautiful"

I look up to see Dean smiling at me, I thought he despised me.

"Is this heaven?"

Cassie turned around and looked at me.

"Jenny this is hard to say but no, and your not dead either, your in a coma and this is just a figment of your imagination."

I'm a in coma but how I don't remember anything, c'mon wake up Jenny wake up, wake up,

Wake up!!!


I can't remember how long I stayed in her room yesterday. It felt like 20 minuets but Sam said I was there for 4 hours. I just sat in that room staring at her motionless body. Every now and then a doctor would walk in and check on her.

It's already been a week since she was stabbed. Castiel helped all he could but it was no use the doctors say that the stab wound messed up some organs near her heart making her shut down. I just don't know what to do. I haven't been on a hunt since then, and Sammy is worried about me.

I heard the door open up behind me and look to see its Sammy standing there. He had a bag of food and a soda in one hand.

"Hey Dean, I brought you some food."

"I'm not hungry."

I know it's weird to think but I truly wasn't hungry.

"C'mon Dean you haven't eaten in days how is this even possible?"

"I said, I'm not hungry."

"We'll Dean, I gotta go, I'm still on the job so I'll be back in a few days."

I heard him place the food on the counter top then walked away.

There had to be some way to get her to wake up. If only I could get into her dream.... Wait I can.

"Jenny, don't worry your be up and slicing monsters soon."

I ran out of the room, into the hall way, out of the hospital and into the parking lot. I found my baby parked out side and unlocked the trunk. A took out a old tattered spell book and Dream Root. A root that causes you when drank, to enter ones dream.

I ran back inside and made up the spell then got comfy in a chair so I wouldn't just fall over, after drinking this concoction.

"I'll see you soon Jen." I said with a smile.

Then I chugged down the spell and knocked my self out.

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