The Princess Saves the Prince?

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Jennifer's POV

It may be extremely dark in this old warn down wherever I am, but I still have my seances. I feel around for anything I could use to escape. So instead of risking getting cut on something. I get out my phone and turn on the flashlight.

I look around and I see a decent sized piece of glass. It was sort of sharp, I quickly checked the time. Those S.O.Bs said they would be back in two hours. Exactly 1 hour and 30 minutes ago.

That will give me just enough time to sharpen this up. I grab a rock and begin to sharpen, after about 20 minuets I stop to feel its consistency by cutting my arm.

It was a perfect cut. So when that who're comes back she better be ready for a real fight.

10 minutes later I hear a door open and the familiar heel sound walking through the corridor. I quickly turn off my phone and shove it my jacket, then hide the new blade behind my back.

The bitch walks right up to were I'm sitting and turns on a light. She unlocks my cell and stands in front of me.

"Hey Jen, I'm sorry to say that you were wrong."

"About what?" I say with a quiver.

"Your friends, they won't be coming to get you because in the next hour they'll all be dead."

"No, your lying."

"Yes all of them especially your precious Dean, he'll die the slowest!"

This time she knelled down right in front of my face.

"Your never see him again..."

That's when I cracked. I pulled the glass my behind me and sliced her head clean off. Then I stood up and locked her in the cell. Just incase.

Now that I'm out I need to get to Dean, but how I don't have my car. Wait! Didn't Dean say that if I ever needed help to call Castiel, but I don't have his number.

"Gosh Darn it, Castiel if you could here me right now I would ask if you could help me!!!"

Then with the blink of any eye. A man with brown hair and blue eyes was standing in front of me. For some odd reason he was wearing a trench coat.

"Oh so your Jennifer, Dean talks about you all the time."

"C-Castiel, but h-how did you."

"Oh Dean didn't tell you, I'm an angel of The Lord, so what is your problem."

"Oh we'll I need you to take me to my car."

"Done." He said

I look to see my car sitting right in front of me. I grab my extra keys out of my pocket and unlock my baby. I got everything I need to save Dean.

"Hey Cas, thanks for everything, but you coming."

"There's angel proofing on the mine entrance."

I grab spray paint out of my trunk.

"Then what's stopping us" I say with a smile.

I spray the paint over ever sigil and me and Castiel walk into the mine.

We quickly see where Sam, Cassie and Dean are sitting but that would be to easy so we find another approach.

"Okay Cas I want you to.."

Castiel disappears for 20 seconds then returns.

"Done, there are 2 werewolves and 2 vampires guarding them in the room, but then there is one behind each of our 3 friends."

"So that would make 5 vamps and 5 wolves for a grand total of 10 dead S.O.Bs by the time were done."

I was in charge of killing everything and Castiel was just a distraction.

First I ganked everything behind Sam, Dean, and Cassie.

Then I shot all four of the creatures in front of them. Then flowed by chopping off the heads of he two that didn't die.

It looked as though me and Cas had won so we began to untie our friends.

Cas got Sam and Cassie and I had Dean.

"Oh it's good to see you Cas, but we have to find Jennifer." Sam said as he stood.

"Right here!" I said and smiled at Sam .

"Jenny how'd you get out?" Cassie asked with a smile.

"That's a story for another time right now let's get you guys out of here."

I finally untied Deans hands and took off his blind fold. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Isn't the Prince suppose to save his princess not the other way around."

I started to laugh at his comment when everything went to slow motion, or at least it felt that way.

I heard Sam yell Jenny look out and I saw a distressed look on Deans face but when I turned around it was to late. Something came up and stabbed me in the chest.

Dean jumped from his seat and caught me as I fell. Then Sam killed the thing that stabbed me. All I could see was a blurry figure of Dean. When I finally felt my life drift away.

I was dead...

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