A New Hunt

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Every now and then I get a text from Dean, but lately the time between talking has slowly been drifting apart. I bet the same is happening to Cassie. I should have known that being a hunter and having a relationship would never work out. Dean is a normal guy so he can always just go sweep another girl off her feet and live a normal life. The funny thing about me hunting is I can't remember why I started hunting in the first place. My Mom and Dad died of normal causes, my brother was my fault, but he died after I started hunting. Most hunters have a story then there's just me. 

Cassie started hunting because when she was 15,a demon came and killed her whole family. Including her dog Sparks. She was so devastated that she went out and found the Demon that killed them and killed it herself, but she never stopped hunting. She feels as though she is a super hero and shes saving 1 soul at a time. To me it just feels like a mess I let my self get into and now I have no way out. 

I still can't believe it had been 2 weeks since that night with Dean. I've done a couple of cases here and there, but nothing will let me take my mind off of him. A couple weeks ago I swear I saw Sam and Dean leaving a hunt, in what looked to be a 1967 Impala, but it was probably just my imagination. 

Right now me and Cassie are driving to an old house where 3 teenagers died. It sort of sounded like our type of work because they were torn to shreds and there hearts were missing. So that would be Werewolves. Were heading to South Dakota to check it out, but we've already been in this car for 3 hours and Cassie hasn't said one word to me. Shes been staring down at her phone and  every once in a while laughing. 

"Who are you texting, that's making you laugh so much."  I asked with a smile. 

It was probably some new guy she met last week on some hunt or something, but to my surprise it wasn't. 

"Its Sam" She spoke with a grin. 

"As in the Sam, we met at the club?" 

"Yep that's the one." She said then returned to texting him. 

I haven't talked to Dean in weeks. I guess Dean truly didn't like me like I thought he did,

"Hey how have you and Dean been?" Cassie said as she looked up from her phone. 

"Well um..We don't talk anymore." 

She looked at me with a surprised look. 

"Here hold on I'll ask Sam about it." 

I guess that was a good idea they do go everywhere together, it doesn't hurt to ask. 

"He said Dean got a new phone and just hasn't had the time to text you because they have been working a lot lately." 

The rest of the ride was quite until Cassie put in one of my tapes and we sang along to don't fear the reaper. It was good to have some one on one time with my Best Friend. 

After about 12 songs later I pulled into a cheaply made Motel in southern South Dakota. We would go to the crime scene tomorrow. Right now I needed my beauty sleep. I usually only get about 4 hours of sleep tops, but today I was able to get 8 beautiful hours. I had never felt more ready for a hunt. 

I woke feeling more refreshed than I had had ever been in my entire life. We both put on our "Work Clothes" grabbed out FBI badges and walked out the door. To my surprise there was an Impala parked right next to us. I know I've seen that before, but I didn't have to worry about it. We had work to do. 

"Hey Jen, Can we get breakfast first." Cassie asked with big brown eyes. 

"Yeah sure but we have to make it fast." 

I stopped at the first restaurant I saw, it was a cute cafe. So I could have my coffee and Cassie could have her Latte. 

We arrived at the crime a lot later than I planned because someone had to buy a shirt she saw, but when we got there that same Impala was sitting in front of the crime scene. 

We both walked up to the police officer a took our our badges. 

"Hello I'm agent Smith. This is My partner agent Brown and where here to see the scene." 

"Wow they sure are sending a lot of agents out today." The Officer said. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well 2 other agents from the same division are getting the run down right now." 

I looked over to see two men in suits standing and talking to the witness. One had longish brownish hair and the other had light brown hair that was spiked....

"Cassie we need to go." 

"Why we are actually doing work here, those agents don't know what we have to do." 

Then right as I was pulling her away the taller one turned around and looked right at us. 

Cassie was so stunned to see who it was that she walked right over to him. I started to walk away when a large hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around slowly to see a man with big green eyes staring at me with a smile. 

"Agent." He said with a wink. 

"Agent." I said back. 

I knew I was just dreaming there was no way the Man in front of me could be the same man I met at the bar. 

This couldn't be Dean... 

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