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Natalia's POV

Black coffee, black coffee, black coffee. Oh my god, when are they going to call my name up? It doesn't take that damn long to make my coffee.

"NAT" I hear one of the baristas yell. Finally.

I bring the hot drink to my lips. I'm about to take a seat in front of the cafe's window when I feel a tap on my shoulders. Give me a break, I just want a moment to myself before I walk into a new job.

I pretend to put on a bright smile and turn around "Hey, sweetheart. I'm looking for a hookup buddy and I was thinking-" I basically ignored what this asshole was saying afterward, especially everything after the word 'hey'.

"You got great buns too and those-" Oh my fuck. If I didn't roll out of bed this morning, this shit wouldn't be happening.

I'm two seconds away from grabbing my knife and stabbing it into his buns.

I turned away from the conversation and smiled tightly "I have a boyfriend". I decided to go with the less violent option...obviously.

Asshole's mouth went wide open "Well, I don't see him, so maybe we can talk about this more." Can't even take a damn hint. Maybe I will give him a little stab in his thigh.

He's definitely not going to leave me alone. I turn around and grab onto the first person my hand reaches "This is my boyfriend" I say in a rush. I continue to hold onto the stranger's wrist, I could just feel the muscle.

Oddly the stranger slides their hand into mine and it wraps entirely around my own.

I notice the asshole tilts his head up a bit and slightly nods "Oh, yeah, bye" and he turns away.

Why do I even need to say I'm with someone, for someone like him to go away. I roll my eyes and think about how I can make him die later.

"I didn't know I was dating someone" I hear the man's deep accent. Russian?

I let out a loud sigh and face the man that still has his hands wrapped around mine.

And you know what. I'm so glad that I rolled out of bed today.

Both of our eyes quickly connect and I notice a pair of ice-blue eyes and a perfectly sharp jaw. My eyes begin to trail down his body and his dress shirt doesn't hide his muscular form whatsoever. My eyes drift back up and I'm flashed with a smug smile.

"Hey-" Nope I'm not going to do this again.

I cut the hot guy off before he can finish his sentence "Thank you, but I'm in a rush. First day on the job and I wouldn't want to be late. Thanks again!" I pull my hand out of his grasp and start to walk away quickly.

He looks at me curiously but still gives me a soft smile.

Phoenix's POV

"Are you going to tell me why you were taking so long? We know the owner so it should've taken less than twenty god damn minutes" My annoying frien- no he's definitely not a friend, a colleague. He continues to hound me for an answer

"Isaiah. If you don't shut the fuck up, I will get Frankie to tell me all of your damn secrets and share it with the whole agency." As we both scan our cards the iron door opens.

Not even a minute later, Isaiah opens that mouth of his again.

"It doesn't matter. I have no secrets" He laughs. "So come on, I mean you forgot my coffee, so you must've been distracted. Talking about distracted, this girl walking out of the cafe definitely made me look up from reading my hentai."

He really doesn't have any secrets when he is willing to share them with anyone, especially with me.

A person who doesn't give a shit.

"So what were you distracted by... mystery woman?" I let a loud huff walking faster towards the meeting room.

"Come on, man" I had enough of this I grab Isaiah by the front of his shirt and shove him to the closest wall.

He shoots his hands up but he's not even scared.

He let out a howl of laughter "OH! It is a girl, well you've got to tell me because no one ever catches your eye. You only get like this when I'm right, anyway." he continues to taunt me.

I really need to control myself. Isaiah always knows what button to push.

The meeting room's door opens "Boys? Again Isaiah, what did you do this time?" I hear Kat ask him as my fist continues to tighten around his shirt.

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT THIS TIME, HELP ME! He's going to beat up my perfect face, please Kat!" I roll my eyes as Isaiah pretends to be the one in need of help.

"Oh god, I don't care. You guys are making us wait, get over it, so Johnathan can get started with the meeting." Kat groans.

I let Isaiah go and start walking into the room.

"My face is saved." Isaiah pats his cheeks.

The three of us walk into the room and take our seats around the table.

The other three at the table begin to greet us. Jeannet, Daris, and Leon.

"What the heck! Where is Johnathan!" Kat yells out.

"He said he would be back and he left through the back door because he didn't want to deal with Isaiah and Phoenix" Leon let out a sigh and continues typing on his laptop.

"Wonderful! because I wanted to tell everyone that a mystery woman has officially caught Phoenix's attention" Everyone turns their head to Isaiah looking at him in complete shock.

"It's true, he just won't admit it out loud." I hear a gasp coming from the two girls.

Jeannet and Kat both ask "What does she look like?"

Leon is just as curious and tries to act like he's looking at the computer the whole time.

"Guys, no offense Phoenix, but he doesn't share much of his personal life, so he isn't going to tell us, but hey! Our ears are perked up and if you want to say something..." I roll my eyes at the five of them.

The door clicks open and now we can finally get started with the meeting.

"HEY guys! Ready to take down some bad guys. Whapow, bam, bam!" We all groan out loud.

Bruce. Ugh, I couldn't believe there would be a guy that's actually worse than Isaiah.

"Get out!" we yell. He gives us a stern look and both his shoulders hunch down as he walks out of the same door he came in.

After Bruce left, Johnathan walked in. These meeting will be the death of me.

"Okay! Sorry to keep you all waiting, but this is the reason for the meeting. I want everyone to meet this girl. She's also like my own child so don't even try boys. Natalia?" He introduces the girl to all of us.

She walks into the meeting room and my eyes go completely wide "Natalia Gheata is highly trained than many of you all, she will be one of the main assassins."

I notice her scan the room and our eyes lock with each other like it did in the cafe.

We all hear a small whistle blow out "Mystery girllllllll..." Isaiah sings out.

I'm excited bitches. What are some of your comfort movies? It's hard to find a comfort movie for me because I always find part that I don't like/feel sad/scared in the film and I then choose not to watch it after the first time.

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