Chapter 27

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Natalia's POV

I slowly open my eyes and I squint when I notice the sun is shining brightly through the windows. 

As soon as my eyes adjust to the bright light I begin to realize where I am. Pheonix's parents' home. 

Where is Nix? I turn to my other side and I have to shake my head a few times just to make sure what I am seeing is real.

"Phoenix? What are you doing?" I ask still in shock. 

The light reflects onto the small object that is pinched between his fingers. 

"I understand that you may think I am going crazy, but I want you endlessly Alia. There is no place in this world that could keep me away from how strongly I feel toward you." I try to open my mouth to speak, but I can't. 

"I will let go of the agency just so we can be together safely, without any more worry for one another. We can have a life with a family, just how you want...How I want. I constantly lived for revenge, but when you came in my life you meant so much more than getting revenge from anyone."

"I can't tell you why it took me so long to realize that. Being together is going to be a pain in the ass sometimes, but there is only one person who I want to go through that, so please Alia say yes to us. Again."

"Yes, yes, Oh, Nix." My voice cracks as I throw my arms around him. 

"Hey, hey, come on, put on the ring before it jumps out of my hand." I pull away from him and Phoenix slips on the ring once again. 

"I knew you wouldn't let go of that ring," I tell him. 

"Actually I did think about selling it to get my money back." He says jokingly, he laughs when I push him back. 

"You know what I said. It's all true, you know that right? Just tell me and I'll make it happen." I give him another kiss. 

"I know, I would do the same." She tells me. This is it. When we get back home our lives are going to change completely and I wouldn't want to have it any other way. 


"Are you guys really going to leave us?!" Frankie exclaims. I begin to laugh at her reaction. 

"Come on, just because you guys are getting married doesn't mean that you have to leave us!" I give Nix a wide eye look at what Isaiah says. 

"Don't you guys still love us?" Bruce tells us. Nix and I exchange glances.

"Not you Bruce" Me and Nix say at the same time. 

"Scar Night is gone now. Me and Alia can be safe and live a different life." Phoenix tells the team while wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. 

"We completed what we wanted," I say. Kat and Jeannet give me a sad smile but hug me tightly.

"Don't think that you can never come to see me" Frankie tells the both of us. 

"Of course! We are still going to see all of you, just no longer in this environment." My eyes meet Johnathan's and before he can walk back into his office I stop him. 

"I saw this coming from a mile away, Natalia. I'm sorry I didn't realize what you wanted and needed before. That's my fault. Just please don't ever think you can never come to me about anything. I'll always help where I can." I smile at Jonathan's words. 

"Thank you" I simply tell him.  


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