Chapter 4

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Natalia's POV

We finally leave our hotel room and instead of taking the elevators, we decided to take the stairs to the back so we can avoid being seen, luckily we don't run into anyone along the way.

Frankie is already by the back door waiting for us as she is shoving gummy worms into her mouth.

She gives a surprising look. Her cheeks are full as she smiles with her mouth closed. She stretches out her arm to offer us some, but we shake our heads and walk into the black van.

God, it sure does smell like Febreze.

Frankie swallows up her candy and hands us ear pieces along with night vision glasses.

"Alright, so just a quick run-through-" She takes a seat on the driver's side and begins to refresh our memory on the basics.

"The Casino lights need to be all off, it may sound like a harder way to catch Scar Night, but everything will shut down when the lights are out, the doors will lock, and then BAM Scar Night will be caught and dead!" Frankie states excitedly.

"There is just one thing that could make it all fail though. There is an emergency exit, but it has a code, still, it's extremely important to shut out the electricity so that the door can't be easily found and the code won't be able to be accessed."

"Won't everyone have their phones on themselves?" I question.

"No, Natalia. This casino has way too many important and sketchy people that the Casino all check for phones and put them away into the basket until they leave, so we should be safe." She answers.

I grab my knives and place my gun in the back of my pants, Phoenix grabs two guns and hides them in his pants as well.

"How many knives did you bring, my love?" He gives me an odd look.

"You know I am always strapped with three or more, baby." I pick up the bag and Phoenix opens the van door for me.

Before we leave the van, Frankie does a small test to see if we can hear her through the earpiece "Alright I'll walk you guys through the area, but once you turn off the electricity it might affect the earbuds, so there is a possibility that we might not hear each other." We both nod our heads.

"That's four knives, love. Leave one back." Pheonix tells me.

"Fine. I just don't think three knives on me will be enough for this mission."

We finally enter through the back of the casino building. "Okay, the cameras are only accessible to me so we should be in the clear. Oh! Keep going straight, there is someone coming on the left." we listen to Frankie as she leads us to the room.

After a couple of stops and turns, we make it to the room that leads us up to the power box.

"Code, Frankie?" Phoenix asks, Frankie, lets out a breath and we both hear her starting to type loudly.

"Okay, just give it a few seconds, I hacked into the lock code and it should be" We hear her click a button and the sound of the door unlocking.

We rush into the room and make it up to the top of where the box is placed. I open up the bag that contains wire cutters and other tools.

We have to be careful of where were stepping because of how high up we are. Pheonix and I shuffle against each other so that he can get a better look at what we are working with.

"Alright, let me see what we're working with." Phoenix moves to a case and opens up the box that contains wires of every different color.

"Shit. Franks, there isn't an off switch to shut the lights out." I give Phoenix an expressionless face.

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