Chapter 2

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Natalia's POV

"Don't lose it" I tell Phoenix as I scan my card and we walk through the doors.

Frankie is the first person we see and as soon as the doors shut behind us her head turns and runs towards me. She lifts up my left hand looking at the shimmering ring in the light.

"It's gorgeous! But I can freak out over it later. Johnathan called you guys in the meeting room again, he saw you guys come through the door, so no time for lingering" Phoenix and I look at each other with curiosity.

We follow Frankie to the room and she swings back her blue and black hair looking back to see us again. "Alright, just one more look at the ring before we knock on the door."

I tilt my head to the side and lift my hand up again "Oh I can't believe it!" she exclaims.

"Frankie is that you outside my door?!" we hear Johnathan's voice through the door.

"Stop standing out there. I need the couple in here" Frankie opens up the door and the three of us are faced with Johnathan looking down at some files and stacks of other papers behind him.

Johnathan glances up and does a double-take when he notices the shimmer on my left hand "Hm. Congrats you two."

Johnathan may have sounded bitter, he cares very much for me. Even though he doesn't always express it, I know that he would protect me at any cost and to the best of his ability. He did after all hand me this job and help me into the states.

My parents are a soft topic for both of us and I know it pains him just as much as it pains me to bring it up. Running away from Romania and having to always wait for Johnathan to help me was frightening for an eleven-year-old. I barely got into the states five years ago, but Johnathan has always come back and cared for me as if I were his own child.

"Okay, so we are all aware of the Scar Night" I go rigged. I slowly shake my head.

"Apparently he made an appearance at the MANY casinos in Vegas" I slouch back and give him an expressionless face.

"Where" I simply say. It can't be him, he's gone! I don't show my panic but Phoenix can read my expression immediately and wraps his large hands around my own. I should be worried him, I wonder what Phoenix is thinking.

"That's one big problem we don't know, but we spotted him around Casino Life. It's possible he would be there tomorrow as well."

"How do you even know it's him? What if it's not even him, he's fooled us many times before." Frankie says in a worry and it's true.

"We have someone inside and even though they are barely in the outside gangs, they heard the higher-ups speaking of Scar Night's whereabouts." Johnathan begins to stack other papers.

"So what are you asking? For us to go after a killer? A shadow? Someone that we thought had vanished nineteen years ago! Someone that caused my parents' entire life to try and kill!" Phoenix slams his fist onto Johnathan's desk and scoffs.

I gulp.

Phoenix's parents are just as much of a sensitive topic as mine, but it's definitely worse for him to find out that the killer is still out there. His parents spent most of their agency life trying to take down Scar Night.

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