Chapter 6

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Natalia's POV

I guess we didn't come back quick enough because now the navy suit man is bleeding all over the expensive damn carpet.

Phoenix quickly disposed of that body and now we lost our way of information. Someone is onto us, let's just hope it isn't Scar Night.

Frankie found out that there is a gala going on two cities away. Brian plans on attending it and if we can get some information then maybe we can discover where Scar Night plans to go next.

When Phoenix arrives back with bloody hands I start informing him about tonight's event. I'm surprised no one saw red from his hands.

"Wait, where am I involved in this?" I keep my mouth shut for a second because I know Phoenix hates when I go on a mission alone.

"Your not? If I plan to seduce Brian it won't really work well with you by my side, Nix" I cringe at the sentence. It's going to be hard to get Phoenix on board with this plan.

"What! Seducing, no, your mine. Don't even get me started on the risk, Brian knows Scar Night, Alia" I let out a sigh and place my hand on the side of his cheek.

"Baby I got this. I'm capable and if this is how we're going to get to Scar Night then I can do it. I'm always yours, okay?" I calm him down by pressing a kiss to his lips causing him to let out a groan.

"I won't like this one bit. The second he touches you I'm running right in to plant a bullet between his eyes." I give him an expressionless face.

"We need info before you can do any shooting, baby," I tell him.


After finishing my final touches on my makeup, I glance over to the black shimmering dress that I will be attending with me tonight.

I'm sure I won't only catch Brian's attention tonight. The dress does everything to my curves.

I start zipping up my dress and right as a look up into the mirror I notice Phoenix leaning on the doorframe.

He watches me zip up the sparkly gown. Without even saying anything I give him a teasing smile in the mirror. I see his throat bob and I know that I will always impress him with anything I wear.

He licks his bottom lip and continues to stare at me "Nix if you look any harder you're going to burn a hole through my dress" He lets out a breathless laugh at my comment.

"Maybe that's the point" I roll my eyes.

"Is my girl having an attitude? I can definitely give you a different reason for rolling those gorgeous eyes at me." Phoenix comes up behind me and his hard chest presses against my back.

I lean into him and shut my eyes, hoping that we stay in this moment forever.

But my eyes shoot open when his hand slide against my waist and travels up my chest stopping around my throat.

We look at each other intensely in the mirror I slowly turn my head to talk to him "Nix, stop. I don't want you to ruin my make-up"

His lips curve up into a devilish smirk "Then I won't mess it up. Promise." Somehow I feel like he won't keep to his promise.

"Now turn around and look in the mirror again" I listen to his demanding voice and let out a sharp gasp when his other hand slides underneath the slit of my dress.

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