Chapter 5

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Natalia's POV

"What the fuck. That has to be him" I whisper yell.

There are two people escorting to somewhere and it confirms it all when my glasses allow me to see the scar on his hand.

We follow them slowly hiding behind each slot machine as we go. God, Frankie would hate the smell of casinos, cigars, and a bunch of smoke, it's really messing with my nose.

He walks down the halls and there is another room. Phoenix and I keep close and one of them turns their head. I let out a soundless gasp. Brain? The owner of the casino knows Scar Night!

What the fuck, why, what are the connections, this makes no sense.

Well, this is interesting. Brain punches in the code, and it confuses me completely because we shut down everything.

They head into the elevator, and I have no idea where it could've taken them. Phoenix and I try to take a look at the code lock.

"I'll try to get in with Frankie." Phoenix nods and tries to unlock the code.

"Come on! This stupid thing, fuck!" I shake my head. Dammit.

"We definitely lost him, there is no way I can figure the code out, even if I took it apart. Frankie?" I shake my head.

"Fuck!" Phoenix exclaims, he continues to curse out as we try to connect with Frankie again.

"Frankie? If you can hear us we need to know a discreet exit." Phoenix speaks, hoping that she will connect.

"Come on, maybe we need to move around, if the code works for the elevator, there has to be some type of connection in the area." We get too close to a corner of the room and stop when we hear static sounds.

"Guys... Hello? Out of Keep...running, straight and you'll see...exit...right" We barely make out what she is saying but Phoenix and I are already on the run to the exit.

We see the van in the same secluded spot and hop right into the black vehicle. Frankie quickly takes us out onto the road before asking any questions.

When we're out in the city we finally speak. "They helped him, of course, the guy has connections, dammit!" Phoenix slides his hand over his hair, obviously irritated.

"What?! What do you mean? Did he get away? There should've been no exits." Frankie is completely lost, so we catch her up while we were disconnected.

"Seriously, the owner is helping him, why?" She questions.

"We have no clue but, we're going to find out tomorrow, who knows where Scar Night is going to be. He definitely won't be at the same casino tomorrow, he now knows someone is coming after him." I nod my head at what Phoenix says, this just got a lot harder.

"I'll look into it more and see what I can find." Frankie continues to keep her eyes on the road as Phoenix and I take off our weapons.

"We need to focus on Brian now, the owner knows something and we need that information." Once we settle back into our rooms, I'll look into that immediately.

After arriving back at the hotel we parted our ways with Frankie. She's going to try to keep track of Brian and Scar Night, while I get a full background check on Brian.

"Found anything yet, my love" Phoenix walks out with a towel covering his lower body and grand a hold of my waist.

"He has been doing some shady business and this casino seems like the place for criminals to go through all the time. He's been a suspect for involvement in crimes, but nothing more than that." I explain to him.

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