Chapter 12

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Natalia's POV

Frankie had the idea of taking an uber to the airport and ugh I never want to go back in one again. The guy was blasting music at five in the morning with the windows down. I don't even want to talk about the smell that was going around in the car.

We finally make it into Vermont and I am already sprinting through the doors of the agency to give Johnathan details on Phoenix's disappearance.

For fuck sake, I'm an assassin, not an investigator.

"Johnathan! He is gone and left with no trace, not even a note, or a single word for me to come to find him! I am losing my mind. Scar Night is out there and he's in even more danger, he could die." I am beyond frustrated I couldn't even get a good sleep.

"Natalia. I promise we..."

"Natalia! It's Phoenix he sent something to me that you need to see." Right, when Frankie bursts through the doors she places her computer down.

I look at the screen and read a text.

Don't even come looking for me. Natalia and Johnathan, you know what you've done. To the woman, I used to love and want to die for, don't even think you got away with trying to trap me. Scar Night will be back and if he didn't give me the information about your little plan I wouldn't have figured out that you were this backstabbing bitch.

I stumble backward, at a complete loss of words. This can't be the man that I love saying those words. "Used to love..."

Before we can track the message a voice recording pops up.

How long do I have to marry Phoenix, I just wanted to be a part of the agency, Johnathan, I didn't think I have to fake my personal life to be a part of it.

My eyes widen at the voice I hear on the computer. That's me.

The whole building begins to shake and we turn our heads when we hear commands outside the room. What the fuck is going on?

I pull out my gun and quickly open the door. I hear shots being fired, "Frankie, take Johnathan to the safe base. Both of you guys stay there till I come and get you." Frankie quickly nods her head and they are both on the move.

I run into the team and I can see them shooting constantly. The smoke in the room doesn't help with our aiming either.

"Natalia! What's going on?" I hear Jeannet yell.

"I'm not sure, but I'll tell the team what I think after this shit show!" I turn and take a shot at someone coming for Jeannet.

"ON YOUR RIGHT!" I hear Daris yell. Right as I was about to aim again, the bulky person already shot at my arm.

I let out a groan and hold onto my arm tightly. Jeannet quickly takes aim at him before he can shoot again.

I run over to a wall and tear off a piece of my shirt and secure it around my arm.

A loud shriek jolts me back into reality and right across from me I see Frankie and Johnathan begin held at gunpoint.

My vision is still blurry with the smoke around us but I run closer and closer to them and swing a hard punch at a person wearing a green mask, he lurches forward dropping the gun.

"Are you guys okay?!"

"Johnathan got kicked in the leg, he took a fall. He's going to get a nasty bruise on his chin" Shit. I call Jeannet over and tell her to take them to the safe base. Hopefully, there won't be trouble for them this time.

I go back out to the rest of the team and just as I'm about to call out Kat's name a hand wraps around my mouth.

I thrash around in the stranger's arm and try shoving my elbows to his stomach. Nothing works, he continues to hold onto me tightly pulling me to god knows where.

I stop moving for a moment and my nose is filled with a familiar smell. Someone's cologne that I know by heart, the cologne that is all over the bedroom pillows.

Anger fills inside me and when I relaxed for that moment he must've thought I'd given up. He must be stupid to think that if it is who I think it is grabbing onto me.

I bring my foot back and slam it back down onto his own. He lets a groan and curses in Russian.

His hold on me loosens and I turn around with my gun pointed at him. I gulp and give him a stern gaze. "Take off your mask" I mutter to him.

His hands pull off the mask and then I finally meet those blue eyes again.

But instead of feeling comfort in looking into them all I feel is confusion and anger, so much anger.

"What are you doing? Everyone is in danger, our team, Johnathan" and me.

"You think I care about people that are using me. Now, put the gun down." I do the complete opposite by bringing the gun closer and pressing it to his chest.

You're going to shoot the love of your life.

Do it already.

He twists his head to the side, noticing my hesitation.

"Let me help..." He gives me a smug look and raises his hand to turn the safety off.

"I thought you knew how to use a gun, my love." If only he could see the steam coming from my head.

"Don't you 'love' me. Talk to me Pheonix, what are you doing!"

"Alright if you are not going to do it then. Just so you know, I need to get away."

I'm quickly knocked out and my vision blurs even more. Phoenix fades away and it's shocking that this is my reality, that he would really leave me to die.


"What! Why didn't she tell us? We could have stopped..."

"Oh, Kat! Hush. Frankie and Natalia only got to the building for a few hours before the attack."

"Guys I-I'm tired of waiting..."

"Shut up, Bruce!"

"Dude. Grab us some coffee."

"Hey, Jeannet how is Johnathan?"

"The doctor said he's going to be fine, more than fine, just a couple of bruises."

"Natalia needs to wake up so we can decide if we can throw a couple of punches at Pheonix or not."

"Now hang on Daris..."

"If she doesn't wake up in the next hour I'll hunt him down myself and throw a punch to knock him out."


"Okay everyone, stop crowding over Natalia!"

"Yeah, what Frankie said"

"ISAIAH! You are getting cookie crumbs all over the bed"

Vote beauties ★

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