Chapter 23

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Natalia's POV

"Question one. Why choose to attack our agency? What were you trying to gain?" I ask.

"Out of all the questions you want to ask, you ask that-AHH" I bring the knife to his thumb, cutting it off cleanly.

"Answer the damn question."

"Your team is in my goddamn way all the time! I had held back my plans for years and now. I was slowly going to take each state one by one. I wanted control in Vermont and I was going to kill each of you agencies members to get that."

The question leads me to Phoenix and his parents now. I told myself I wouldn't think about him. "Why did you kill Phoenix's parents?"

He flashes an evil grin "Ah... Golden question number one, I'm surprised your fiance didn't ask me that question himself when he was working for me. Is he still your fiance?" He's trying to rile me up and I'm not going to let him get to me.

"It was all part of the plan, killing off each member of Johnathan's team was my priority for you to stay out of my shit. Making Ivanov have no parents was the funniest trick I put my people up to. His parents begged me to spare them, they kept telling me about their little boy that they just had... God, it was perfect to finally shut them up." I'm clouded by anger and hurt for Phoenix all at once.

I slide the knife into his thigh, giving him a deep slice in his skin. "That's for his parents" I whisper to him.

He breathlessly lets out another sentence "Do you want to hear about how I killed yours?" I turn around to face him, I'm glad that he is still blindfolded so that he didn't see me falter about the subject that breaks me the most.

"Stop trying to get under my skin, I know their story." I don't understand why I even have to tell him.

"Their death in Romina is tragic, isn't it? Ask me who planned that attack in your area." I hold onto the knife harder and begin to question myself. Only Johnathan knows about my parent's death.

"I'll tell you who it was...Me." He hisses.

I pull back his blindfold and bring the knife up to his neck "YOU WERE THE CAUSE!" He continues to smile at me.

I stab the knife into his other thigh and it stays deep inside him as pick up an iron pole. "You killed them..." I swing the pole onto his arm making him yell out.

"Look at me!" I grab onto his face and pull the knife out of his thigh, now pointing it directly at him.

Scar Night laughs at me "Look at you. Your fiance didn't trust you and your parents are dead, all by my hands. I am making your life hell! I wonder what will come next for you."

I am so blinded by anger that I bring the knife up again and cut off his other fingers.

I'm so upset at Phoenix, at myself for not seeing the true pain he's brought to my life in every way possible.

The things that I loved the most are gone by his hands. I blindly swing the pole again and again. Hearing bones crack, yelling, banging.

Tears run down my face and I can't see clearly anymore.

I pick up the knife one last time, planning to end it once and for all. Scar Night can barely move, but I couldn't care less, he deserves all that I am giving to him.

I'm about to bring the knife to Scar Night's neck, but a pair of strong arms wrap around my small waist and it holds onto me tightly.

"LET ME GO!" I try to fight away from them, but I feel a firm chest press against my cheek and I immediately know whose arms I am in.


The tears continue to fall down my face and I start to hear small whispers in my ear. I begin to relax in his arms.


"Just listen to my voice, Alia. Please." I slowly turn around to face him. Tears continue to fall as I look into his eyes.

"Oh god. All of this, m-my parents" I stammer, Phoenix pulls me into him even tighter and I'm trembling even more.

"I know, I'm so sorry, Alia. I wish I could say more. I will do anything for you, but they need Scar Night alive so they can pull out more answers from him, you know that and I promise after that you can chop him up and throw his body into a fire pit for all I care, I swear, my love." Phoenix's hold doesn't loosen as he calms me down.

"How did they let you in?" I asked softly. He just shakes his head.

Suddenly a loud crash makes my head pop up from Phoenix's shoulder. The door is now laying flat on the ground. "PHOENIX, you had one fucking job! I told you to pull her out of the room not lock yourself in here with her!"

I peer up seeing Johnathan fuming. Kat runs in and checks Scar Night's pulse, she gives Johnathan a short nod. He must be fucking alive if they're not screaming at me by now.

"You! Move away from her, you already put her into enough crap, all of us in fact. I called you here for one simple damn job, now that it is done, you will now be leaving." When Phoenix doesn't move away from me Johnathan pulls out his gun pointing it right at him.

I squeeze his arm letting him know that I'm okay now and that he needs to go before things get even bloodier than they already are.

"I need to hear you say it," Phoenix whispers to me.

"I'm okay now, I swear it." He picks me up from the ground and reluctantly pulls away from me. I miss his warmth already.

Two people wait by the door to escort Phoenix out but he brushes them aside. I try to follow after him but Johnathan puts his arm in front of me making me stop in my tracks.

"You're staying right here!" he tells me.

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