Chapter 11

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Phoenix's POV

"So now that you've heard everything..." He trails off waiting for me to give him an answer to my thoughts. I thumb through the papers thrown at me and the more I read them.

The more it confirms everything in the recording.

I start thinking about our entire relationship and realize that Natalia always brushed away anything about her home country and how she got here to the U.S.

She never mentioned much about her parents after leaving the country, but it was all a facade.

I thought that I was respectful by not pushing her to talk about those topics, but I should've. I should've made her talk about them.

I told her everything about my parents and although I don't expect her to spill out her own family issues, I can't help but think she was hiding another part of herself from me, but now purposely, because she doesn't really love me. It was all a game to her.

"I know that look. The look of realization." Alright hearing his voice in this is aggravating.

"I'll make a deal with you. Since I gave you some valuable information, I need something in return. I'm sure you want revenge on your own team now, so give me information about Johnathan, he knows something that is very valuable to me and I want it soon." God, who is this asshole?

"You're not any better than them besides I'm not doing something for someone that doesn't even have a real name." Truthfully I just need to play my cards right now, if I don't somehow side with him, there is no way I'm leaving here alive.

I'm taking down my team and Scar Night by myself. Killing my parents and then giving me information doesn't change what he's done in the past.

"Fine. Let's call me...Damien. Good enough? Wonderful, so glad that we can agree. I'll give you what you need for your little revenge, but I want my information and if you end up using me, don't think there is a place you can hide that I won't find you. I have eyes everywhere Phoenix." This so-called Damien now tells me.

He must be desperate for me to get this information if he resorted to capturing me. "I'll send you a time of when I want this information." He nudges his head at the men and they push me out of the chair and through the double doors.

My phone begins to ring in my side pocket. I slide the answer button "PHOENIX WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU! I've been waiting for twenty-five minutes already! I'm tired as hell!" I thought for a second that it was Scar Night. Fuck. Frankie.

I can't trust Frankie either. "Yeah, sorry sorry. Had to go the... bathroom."

Really bathroom. You could've said you went and bought snacks instead.

"HOW LONG was this dump of yours, GOD? Where are you, I'm heading out of the building now." Sleepy Frankie is the worst.

I run down and head to the car, but Frankie is already there before me. She leans on the passenger door and I shake my head and walk over to her.

The drive was filled with Frankie's snores and my silent anger, but we finally drove into the driveway and I'm dreading walking inside the house. 

I carry some of Frankie's belongings in as she pushes the door open. "Oh, you guys took longer than I thought. Dinner is about to get cold so hurry up!" I hear Natalia's voice and it reminds me of that recording.

"I'm going to take Frankie's belongings upstairs and then I'll join you guys" I'm leaving this place now.

I can't even look at Natalia, to think we were going to each others forever. After my parents left me I learned how to do enough things on my own and I can start it again. My heart was all for her to have and now I hope that I destroy all her hopes of staying here, that she goes far away from me.

Just kill her.


You still care for her then.

I'll make her suffer and regret the idea of ever playing me. Let me drag this out just how she dragged out our relationship. My emotions can be locked away just like it was before I met her because everything had a purpose when I was with her and now it's going to change.

I grab a bag with my clothes and other basic things to last me a while. I began wiping out my phone's memories so that they can't track me, but eventually I'll have to get a new one anyway.

"Hey, baby! Your plate is definitely cold now." I hear her yell. Baby. I wanted to have everything with her...

"I'm heading down soon, the agency had to call me!" I yell back at her.

I head down the stairs and I notice Frankie and Natalia laughing in the kitchen. Nows my chance to bolt out of here.

I make it through the front door and head back into the damn car for the third time.

The last time.

I drive away from the house and press Scar Night's number.


Natalia's POV

God, where is Nix? I feel like a mother right now.

I walk into the room and it feels empty, I can feel it. "FRANKIE" I yell.

I go through the closet and notice Nix's belongings are gone. What the hell? He wouldn't leave without saying anything, he would've left something.

I rush down the stairs and Frankie stops me in my tracks "What's going on?" She can see my worried face already.

"Pheonix, he's gone" It only takes those three words for Frankie to run to her bag and pull out her computer.

She begins to aggressively type while I call Nix's number over a billion times. "I'm going out to search, maybe something happened while I was cooking."

I go over to the small table to grab the keys and I realize they're gone. This fucker, what could he have got himself into?

I let out a loud and irritated sigh, I let Frankie know and now she tries to track the vehicle and his phone.

After three hours of Frankie's constant search, we've gotten nowhere, I have a feeling something bad is going to happen, and I'm not going to be able to handle this well.

We haven't even successfully got to Scar Night yet, this mission is in deep shit, but I will drop everything until I find Phoenix.

I know Frankie is tired, but I know she wouldn't stop looking for him even if I asked her to stop.

So I make the next move that puts a pause on this whole mission "We're going back home, tomorrow morning." We're coming back to Vermont sooner than expected.

How the fuck are we going to the airport without our car? Dammit, Nix.

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