Chapter 17

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Natalia's POV

7 months later

I'm sick of waiting, hurry up and come out already damn it. 

I continue to look through the scope of my sniper and it's pointed directly at the front door of this fancy-ass restaurant.  

My target for tonight is Thomson Baros, he was abusive to his own children and their mom died because of him. He ended up abandoning his own children and only cared about money more than taking care of his own family. I got a call from Vannessa, his daughter, she is older and successful, and her younger brothers and herself are safe now. I was even given the mission to blow his head off tonight, directly from Vanessa.

With good money of course. 

I recognize the Thomson right away. As soon as he walks out of the building I'm shifting the sniper over and BOOM. 

Right between the eyes. Perfect shot. 

I pull away from the gun and head off the roof of the building before the on-lookers begin to look in the direction of where the bullet was shot. 

I walk over to the back of the building and notice a large crowd of people crowding his dead body. Before anyone can notice me I'm sliding open the black van door and hopping into the vehicle. 

"That was so boring" Frankie groans while opening up a bag of sour gummy bears. 

I start setting down the sniper and taking out the hair tie letting my hair fall on top of my shoulders. "Frankie, what were you expecting?" I laugh. 

"Some action." I playfully roll my eyes. I pull out my phone and send a text to Vannessa.

Me: Didn't blow his head off, but the job is done. It is a full-on show in front of the restaurant. 

Vanessa: Wonderful, thank you. I'll send over the twenty thousand in five minutes. 

"So, you know I don't go out to clubs that much, but tonight my friend invited me tonight and she said I could bring someone. You should come, Natalia, it's also a pretty new place too, very popular at the moment." 

"Sure" Is all I say. I can go for some drinks after the late-night kill. 

"Really?! Okay, I can come over at ten and don't say you will drive there yourself, I know you are going to be drunk as fuck tonight. I know the only reason why you said yes is because you want to drink." Well, she wasn't wrong. 


Entering a club feels different now, but the one thing that will never change is alcohol.  

Frankie walks in front of me and it gives me a view of her gorgeous silver dress. I let her know that drinks are on me tonight and she doesn't complain one bit.

I walk up to the bar "A bourbon and a Pina Colada, please." He gives me a smile and nods his head.

"Anything else you want, beautiful" He gives me a sly smirk, obviously asking for something else from me.

I'll gladly show him a knife to the back if he doesn't give me my drinks.

"I'll take a whiskey, other than that I think we're good from here." I hear someone behind me. The person's hand comes forward and pushes a twenty-dollar bill on the wood table.

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