Chapter 25

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Natalia's POV

I am one second away from throat-punching Phenoix.

We've been in the car for over an hour, and it drives me nuts that he is not even telling me where we're going. What if I didn't dress correctly for this? Where ever he is taking for all fucking know he could still be trying to kill me, but I saw it in his eyes yesterday, I know he was sincere with his words.

I pull out my knife and begin to play with it in my hands. Pheonix glances over at me. "Put that away my love" I roll my eyes. "You know that you thinking about killing me only makes me hard" My hands stop playing with the sharp object.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the tenth time, accept more annoyed now.

"I already told you it's a surprise, love" He replies, although he doesn't sound annoyed saying that for the tenth time.

"You know I hate surprises" I glance out the side of my window.

"I know" He says with a smile. God, he's an ass.

"Anyways here we are" My head pops up, I begin to take in the area. It's a lake.

I give him a look. "Come on don't look at me like that." He gets out of the car and opens mine, Phoenix holds out his hand and I contemplate for a moment. One chance to prove himself. Just once.

Hand in hand he leads us closer to the lake. We make a turn and I notice a blanket with food on top. A picnic.

I softly smile at the scenery now. "I see a smile do you like surprises now?" My smile quickly disappears when I look at him "No" I say and walk in front of him to see what food was brought out.

Once I saw one of my favorite Romanian desserts no other food really mattered. Papanași, my mouth just watered.

Phoenix's hand rested on my waist, possibly holding me back from the sweet dessert. "How did this all get here?" I ask him.

He turns me around to face him "Well, I made the food and got people to set it up exactly like this." He looks down at the food and his face makes a pinched look.

"Where the fuck are the forks? Why are they in the basket? This should be sitting next to the spaghetti. I swear I'm-" I let out a small laugh. He turns to look at me "This isn't funny, I had a vision and they just screwed it up"

I kneel down in front of him and grab a hold of his hands "Nix... It's okay. They possibly put the forks in the basket so they wouldn't get dirty. Believe me, everything looks great." I tell him.

"I knew I could get another smile out of you." I close my eyes and look away from me, or I try to, but his fingers slide under my chin making me look at him.

"Please don't look away from me" Change the topic my mind tells me.

I move away from his touch "We should eat, gotta see if your cooking skills are any good still."

"Okay, I'll let it go this once." He whispers to me.

Phoenix and I dig in and just start talking again like everything was back to the way it was, but I know that we will have to face reality again "I hope the team is doing fine and Sca-"

"Let's not talk about that at the moment, it's just you and me right now. Besides I'm trying to prove myself and all that." I shake my head and laugh at him.

"How is the Papanași?" He asks me.

"Well, I do think it's too sour and the inside is way too salty and-" I see the panic in his eyes and smile yet again "I was definitely joking, it's perfect just how they would make it at home" He immediately relaxes and before he can say anything I let out a loud gasp "Oh my god!"

Phoenix turns around and sees five ducklings waddling toward him. "What the fuck!" He yells and jumps away from our picnic.

In a panic, he begins to throw slices of bread at them, but they continue to run after him. I let out the loudest laugh. "This isn't funny! Help me!"

"They think you are their mother, that is so cute! Hahaha!"

"NATALIA! I will shoot them!"

I gasp again "Oh no you will not! I will shoot you right back!"

"Then fucking help me!"

After laughing my head off. I collect the ducklings and take them somewhere safe
"Thank god that's over. Sorry if it ruined this whole thing" Phoenix sighs.

"Nix. Are you being serious? Everything was perfect. I haven't laughed so hard in a bit" I tell him as we walk back to the car.

"And that's completely my fault. I promise I'm going to make everything perfect." Phoenix looks at me with the deep love.

"Please let me kiss you" He says starting my lips.

"You don't need to ask." But before he can bring his lips to mine, I lean up and kiss with so much strength.

His hands slide around my waist holding me up as I comb my finger through his hair. I really missed this. Us.

I'm taking summer classes and holy fuck the review doesn't even help me on the test like how tf. I also love my professor but wth she is setting me up for failure.

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