Chapter 16

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Natalia's POV

"Natalia, I told you what needed to be done and you disregard everything that I told you," Johnathan doesn't bother to hide, his anger, and even though he is a father figure to me I know that he is also my boss.

With a cold heart, that is pissing me off right now. "I tried. Scar Night got away like every time, I have no doubt that Frankie will track him again."

"No. You had him right there if you had focused on the mission at hand. Pheonix is not supposed to distract you, you were trained enough to succeed and you are failing." His anger is evident and I'm lost on how to respond for a moment.

"I am aware, but I do not control Pheonix's actions!" Hearing that I'm failing him, is like a knife through my chest. I don't fail, I always get the job done and I know that.

"Your actions played along, no matter how much you want to deny it. I know this mission is a death mission, but I cannot risk you getting yourself hurt when you are not thinking clearly. Phoenix is obviously clouding your thoughts-" I cut him off before he continues because I can already suspect what Johnathan wants to say.

"Don't, don't cut me off this mission." He ignores what I say and continues.

"I'm sorry Natalia, but Scar Night is a danger to the whole agency and I cannot have my best assassin distracted. You are done with this mission, someone else will finish this instead. Please try to understand." I can't, he has no faith in me and it hurts.

"Johnathan! I can finish it, I'm not distracted! I know how to separate my emotions. How can you not believe that I can accomplish this!"

"Hey. You know that I believe you can run this whole place, but you are hurt, not from me, but from Phoenix. You haven't got a moment to collect yourself after the situation and I'm now putting my foot down. If you continue your to look into Scar Night I will have no choice but to take you out of the agency completely, Natalia and I hope that is something that you don't make me do." I shake my head at what I hear, I don't bother responding to him. I get out of the room as fast as I can, slamming the door as I exit.

I go over to Frankie and she can already tell that something is wrong with me, but before she can twenty-one question me I ask her "What have we got from the voice recording? Why is it taking so long, Franks?"

I look at her and I know that she is disappointed in herself "I don't know! I've been trying to separate the voices but it's complicated. I only have a snip of it too, it's not enough for me to decipher the actual voices. I swear the voice recording has been my top priority to crack. By the time we start our next task of Scar Night, I'll have the recording figured out."

I sigh, Frankie works too hard sometimes and I know it can be my fault. "I'm no longer on Scar Night's mission. After the stunt I pulled tonight, Johnathan took me out."

"Oh, god I'm so sorry, Natalia. This is all my fault. I'm breaking into this recording just for you and you know what, it's okay because Phoenix sent it to me, so technically it had nothing to do with Scar Night. I'm going to help you, Natalia. Believe me when I say that."

"Thanks, Frankie. I'm so thankful to have someone on my side who understands me." My heart melts at what she just said to me. She's putting her job on the line by helping me and I couldn't imagine what would happen if Johnathan finds out about this.

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