The Missing Sound

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- Kanade's Room -

"No... This doesn't sound right at all. This isn't good enough." Kanade said.

- Flashback -

".... K, The first time I heard your songs, I felt like they had saved me. A little bit. So I thought being near you might be enough to help me find what I was looking for. But it wasn't enough. I wasn't able to find anything." Yuki said

- Present -

"I can't save anyone..." Kanade said with a sad face.

One week later

[Mizuki]: <Hey, K. I was thinking about this for just before the chorus. What do you think?"

[Kanade]: <....>

[Mizuki]: <Earth to K! Kanade?>

[Kanade]: <Sorry. Did you say something?>

[Mizuki]: <Yeah, I was wondering what we should do with the part before the chorus. Did you see the file I sent?>

[Kanade]: <I'll look at it now.>

[Mizuki]: <You all right? You sound a little out of it. Did you get enough sleep?>

[Kanade]: <I'm all right.>

[Y/n]: <Hey, K. Maybe you should take a break.>

[Ena]: <Yeah, you should take a break.>

[Kanade]: <I'm fine.>

[Ena]: <If you say so.>

[Mizuki]: <So, who's writing the lyrics for the next song?

[Y/n]: <It doesn't look like Yuki is coming back. So I figure we could probably make a decision soon.>

[Kanade]: <I'll do it.>

[Ena]: <What?>

[Kanade]: <Not just the lyrics. I'll do Yuki's part and take care of the arrangement and the mixing as well.

[Mizuki]: <That's a little too much, don't you think? Composing the music is hard enough by itself. Maybe we should find a replacement for Yuki.>

[Kanade]: <There's no time. I have to keep making more songs.>

[Y/n]: <But, K...>

[Kanade]: <Don't get in my way.>

[Y/n, Mizuki, and Ena]: <....>

[Y/n]: <K...? >

[Ena]: <We're not trying to get in anyone's way...?>

[Kanade]: <....>

[Mizuki]: <I don't think she's even listening any more. Talking about this now isn't going to get us anywhere. Let's leave it for later.>

[Y/n]: <You're probably right.>

- Kanade's Room -

(No, the guitar tone is too thin here. But it needs to sound subtle.) Kanade thought.

(Huh? What's going on? I'm starting to feel dizzy even though I'm sitting down...) Kanade thought.

(.... Oh, right. I haven't eaten since yesterday. But I don't have time for that. Huh? A new song from OWN?) She thought and clicked on the sound.

(It feels like being at the bottom of a black ocean, devoid of all light.) Kanade thought.

- Flashback -

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