Even Though I Don't Know

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- Mizuki's Room -

[Mizuki]: <Did you really write this, Yuki?>

[Mafuyu]: <What do you mean?>

[Mizuki]: <Because, it's completely different from your usual stuff! And it's not like OWN, either... It just feels so alive! It's like I'm seeing a Yuki I've never seen before!>

[Ena]: <Yes, It really is very different from before. It's annoying she can write something like this too...>

[Kanade]: <Hey, Yuki. Can I turn this into a song?>

[Mafuyu]: <What about the new song?>

[Y/n]: <Hey, guys. I'm back.>

[Mizuki]: <Oh, hey, Y/n!>

[Ena]: <Why did you go offline, anyway?>

[Y/n]: <I have to deal with stuffs...>

[Ena]: <I see.>

[Kanade]: <Back to the topic... I want to give these lyrics a song right now.>

[Y/n]: <That sounds great. Even if I don't know what's going on, though...>

[Mizuki]: <Me too! It'll be fun to make a music video for this! Right, Enanan?>

[Ena]: <I guess.>

[Mizuki]: <Wow, Enanan's being complaint? You're full of surprises!>

[Ena]: <Because if I say no, you'll go on and on about my tough exterior and whatnot again, right?>

[Mizuki]: <No way! I would never!>

[Kanade]: <I'll write a song that's perfect for these lyrics, Yuki.>

[Mafuyu]: <Sure.>

One Week Later

[Kanade]: <What do you think?>

[Y/n]: <I think it's amazing! This wasn't the kind of song I was expecting to come out from those lyrics.>

[Ena]: <Me too.>

[Mizuki]: <Me three! It's like moody pop music and that's incredibly cute! You really outdid, yourself, K!>

[Kanade]: <Thanks. What do you think, Yuki?>

[Mafuyu]: <I... I don't know. Just that there's this dull pain in my heart. But it's a pain that feels much better than the pain I felt when I previously went to SEKAI. I didn't know my lyrics could become a song like this.>

[Kanade]: <Yuki, you said before that you can't feel or understand happiness and joy, but I have a different opinion. I think you've probably just convinced yourself that you can't. How else would you be able to write lyrics like these?>

[Mafuyu]: <!!>

[Y/n]: <So maybe it's better for you to express yourself more openly!>

[Mafuyu]: <Express?>

[Mizuki]: <Try expressing you feelings through different ways. Like through your lyrics this time. Maybe you could express yourself through drawing like Enanan too! Well, the best way is still to say it out loud, but some things just can't be put probably into words. So if you feel something—anything at all!—then just be honest and spit it all out! Think you can try that? At least when you're together with us, you know?>

[Ena]: <That would be a lot better than awkward silence.>

[Mizuki]: <Enanan, can't you say it nicer?>

[Kanade]: <The better we can understand you feelings, the closer we'll be able to making a song that will save you. You may even find the true self you've been looking for.>

[Mafuyu]: <Express anything I feel honestly... I don't know if I can do that, but I'll try.>

[Kanade]: <Okay.>

- Mafuyu's Room -

"I can feel... so I can feel, too. If that's so... maybe just maybe, I'll be able to find it after all." Mafuyu said.

The Next Day

[Mafuyu]: <The coloring makes this illustrations look filty.>

[Y/n]: <Owh... That's umm... Something else

[Ena]: <Fi... Filthy?!>

[Mafuyu]: <Yeah.>

[Mizuki]: <The battle of round two gonna begin.>

[Y/n]: <Mizuki, shut up!>

[Ena]: <Ugrh...! Now look here! I deliberately chose that color theme because the picture's supposed to portray a muddled feeling!>

[Mafuyu]: <Oh. I didn't know. This line here is crooked and it bothers me.>

[Ena]: <I did that on purpose too!>

[Mafuyu]: <Oh. I didn't know.>

[Ena]: <You're really so...>

[Mafuyu]: <This person's facial expression is really beautiful. I think it's goes well with this song.>

[Ena]: <Huh? Oh, well, I spent the most time on that part, so... Of course?>

[Mafuyu]: <But it feels off-balance in the whole.>

[Ena]: <Ughnn!>

[Y/n]: <Enanan, calm down.>

[Mizuki]: <Don't flare up, Enanan.>

[Ena]: <What's your problem?! Why do you keep picking on me?!>

[Mafuyu]: <I'm just saying out loud what I feel.>

[Ena]: <Why you...>

[Mizuki]: <Okay, okay, that's enough.>

[Ena]: <I've not said enough! You two told her to be honest with whatever's on her mind and that's why she's like this now! I'm holding my responsible for everything she says from now on!>

[Mizuki]: <Well, you know how it is with rehabilitation, right?>

[Mafuyu]: <The effects of this MV during the hook hurts my eyes.>

[Mizuki]: <Whoa, it hits hard when she dishes it out like that.>

[Y/n]: <hehe.>

[Ena]: <Hmph. Understand how I feel now?>

[Kanade]: <hehe... Hey, Yuki.>

[Mafuyu]: <What?>

[Kanade]: <I'm enjoying myself right now. What about you?>

[Mafuyu]: <I... I'm still not sure... But I think I may be feeling the same way too.>


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