Huge Argument

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After this shout Ryder called by puptags all members of team. Everyone - especially Chase knew that wasn't ordinary call. Atmosphere was getting very strict and tense. 

- I see You are not so fast as usually pups, something happened? Says sarcastically Ryder
- Why so serious? what happened? asked Rubble with visible fear with his eyes. No pup seen so Ryder angry at them. Especially the youngest in team bulldog. 
- You have the least reasons to worry Rubble, but don't interrupt me. I have no mood for this.!
Said kid which was red from raging. and continues

-When I was waking up today I've noticed print of paw on the floor, moreover in my shelf I've found package with letter. That means someone of you has broken rule concerned with not entering to my room, next let enter without my permission not assigned person to enter and  poke in my things. On size and shape of paw I see this is Chase's paw. We can make Cinderella trial If you will deny!

-Hey Ryder! I confess I let Katie enter the room and this is my pawprint but why you tell me Like I wanted to cheat you? - Responds Shepherd!

- Wait What!? That was Katie? What she wanted?!  -  Yells Ryder
-uhmmm . Yes - She wanted to ease You after last night - You seemed to feel bad after action - and she wanted to help you in chores - just to let you sleep
-I don't need to help - If I want help - I yelp for this!. Not this time. You had just to wake up us all if You've woken up first. Not to sneak around my room like Humbdinger cat! - Said angrily 
-What? How did you call me? Yelled Chase? Just because you want to keep secrets? 
Why do you hide you degrees? If Katie wouldn't open drawer you wouldn't act out so badly!
-Act out? You've never seen me acted out! And you don't wanna to - I promise!

Ryder lifted Chase by his collar and looked into pup's eyes and shouted
-If someone other will know about my education outside of us three you'll all both doomed - Said kid in serious tone. 

- It's too late Ryder! You've forgotten dismiss others! - noticed shepherd.
-What?? Now they all know?? - says 10-year-old in surprised voice.

Ryder looked at trembled in fear other pup and they nodded their heads
They were all in the border of crying and no one was able to speak

- So leave me alone for now... - stated Ryder 

Chase understood how situation was serious and gave up further arguing and thought

"Does he shame of these degrees? I'ts a miracle Ryder wasn't vengeful. Now I see this outburst nature of Ryder. He really can be scary. It's a pity of other pups that he had to witness these all"

 Everyone lost their mood to play or even eat -even Rubble. There was a some kind of Rubicon.
Picture of angry Ryder has engraved in their heads. Till the end of the day everybody tried to avoid their owner Happily that day was without missions, so events of morning had no impact for their work. 

In the noon Zuma went to Chase and asked: 

-Why "Education" made him so angwy, what does it mean? Just because Wyder is so smawt he could fowm Paw Patrol. He is genious! -  Asked water up

-I don't know either something had to happen he acts so weird and it is connected with these "secrets" in the drawer. Claimed police pup.

-These secwets have something common with education dude? He couldn't be wejected! states Zuma.

-Hahaha I see you spend much time with Rocky, you are getting as smart as him!

Who will know what happened with Ryder in the past? Why he doesn't like education? -Wondered Chase...

-Mayor Goodway! She is politician, so may she know anything about documents. 
-entered to talk Rocky. 

After that Idea all of three went to Yumi and Al house where also lived mayor during fixing damages due the fire in mayor hall. 

-Hi Al? Can we talk with Mayor Goodway? 
-Yes! You've all saved her life last night - noticed farmer. 

-Ohhh My favourite pups! - cheered Chikaletta owner. - What hapeened? 

-In the morning we had huge argument with Ryder -said Chase.
-He was so angry, he scared us to the bone - added Rocky
-Most of anger went to Chase, even he tweated him! He said something about secwets and education.  Do you know something? 

-Not so many. Ryder came to Adventure Bay almost from nowhere Just with his backpack and Chase in his hands. Another clue are documents which are needed to confirm qualifications to lead Paw Patrol. Scholarships, pup- cards, degrees.... 

Zuma and Rocky in unison: Whaat! Such small kid has degrees?
- Yes. He is master degree in zootechnicy and engineering. But I don't know how it could make him shame. Everyone else would be so proud of amount of hardworking and knowledge or passion. I suppose all answers are in Ryder head or outside Adventure Bay- stated Mayor Goodway 

-So this is what have you seen Chase? - Asked Zuma. 
-Yes but I couldn't spoil this out. I could only lead you to the answer with data which you had.  
Said shepherd.
- What will we do now? - questioned rocky 
- Let us think about this tomorrow. Ryder is still to angry to talk us about this, we are all hungry and Adventure City University is very far away. Chase stated. 

In the evening 
-What about Katie? She doesn't know about anything what happened. Asked Skye to Chase.
-Leave it like this. She will be extra worried. From that I know she noticed Ryder despite of his abilities was distrustful of other people and had quite fragile mentality. Was easy to be taunted to brawls, cooperation was very difficult and he couldn't make longer relations. 
She was first person who accepted Ryder and Katie made huge effort to make him that Ryder which we know today, so if she will know about outburst it will be very tough for her. 
so we will till the morning. 
That day was without missions, spent in daily chores and plays, But Ryder couldn't find him place. He had many visions and flashbacks in his head and thought to himself.
" Well - one uncovered  paw print has restored my issues I've thought I bested. This was my first acting out since I arrived to Adventure bay If I lose again control ... I'll be lonely again ... Like always sooner or later". 

Meanwhile when all went sleep, huge transporter arrived near lookout. Voice from passenger seat said to soldiers sitting in back of SUV. 

-Operation "Dawkins" has just begun! 




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