Distrust and love

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Rubble and sweetie faced Goliath. Commander was much bigger than on the dessert genetic treatment enhanced his strength and endurance. 

"So we met again scared pups. Did you forgot what I did to you on the desert. To small and too weak to face me. And on your side? A girl? No gentleman risks life of any girl. You should to run away and protect her. Now you have a last chance. You retreat -you're alive, you fight - You're dead "- Smirked Goliath Rubble was scared as sweetie and both were trembling in fear. Many thoughts were racing in head of construction pup. 
"How to fight to him? If I run- I will enough fast to outrun giant if he will chase me ? Should I protect sweetie or Ryder ? From one side, PAW Patrol never leaves rescues, from second sweetie made me and  my friends many problems and trickery , but... she rescued me and us all .... why, to betray us? To get back to Barkingburg?  Why I fear for her so much ? Usually I see her brutal, but now? I feel responsible to protect her. she is no my friend but... this is so hard... "
West terrier  noticed Rubble's confusion and said to him: 
"You are here and almost died because of Ryder. Don't you ? If we retreat you and your friends will be in danger. Do you know what happen with Ryder . He will die in grief that he did bad things , that he thought he lost you. I won't coward I redeem  all my sins I made to princess and You all. I am ready to sacrifice my life for all. Especially for you. I and my stallion will fight by your side every piece of my heart!" 
"Sweetie No!" - responded Construction pup .
"OK . That lady responded by both of you Ryder can't know you are alive so... Request in peace lovebirds " - said Giant !  
Goliath  used  his hammer and slegded it into the ground. Sweetie harly missed this
" You are not coward! You saved me before!
" But I can't choose ..." Said rubble 
"Between Ryder and me? "-Interrupted Sweetie. If you flee you'll have neither! Next swing hit bricks and uncovered Terrified Rubble 
You always overcame your fears. Even spiders... , but that wasn't your biggest fear!
"The biggest fear is ..You" - next hit of Goliath's hammer hit so, that it departed both pups.
"Will you chit-chat or die finally ? "
"Ruff-ruff - Road-roller!" -said rubble 
"ruff-ruff"horseshoes" And both vehicles upgraded. Sweeties stallion heels changed colors and it could run faster , Rubble's bulldozer changed into road roller . Pups charged on legs of opponent dodging hammer hits, but when rubble was close to toes weapon reached it goal and bulldog fell off his car and hit sweetie making them falling. 
" You have much fortune. If I hit you directly - I'd squish you like a fly, but I'll smash you to death. Very quick death who has to be first?" 
- RUN ! -  Both pups shouted and were running towards their vehicles. which were close each other . But impact of this hit was big enough they suffering a lot. Scratches and smaller wounds covered pup's bodies. 
Rubble saw devastated sweetie decreasing her speed.
" Are you OK?" 
"Run Away Find Ryder I'll buy some time for you. !" 
"Even how??? He will kill you!" 
"Don't be silly! I don't afraid of death! I want to be free of my remorse!"
Rubble turned running direction towards west terrier.
"Yes, you are right. I'm the youngest in PAW Patrol and You're right. I'm feared of being responsible. My main worry was food and Apollo movie, but If I leave you - I'll regret this because I... love you" 
Rubble accelerated and in a nick of time he grabbed his partner right before lethal hammer swing . 
" What!  Put me down ! No! I don't wanna... " - cried sweetie 
" Now listen to me! reach your horse and trust me!"RUN! -Said Rubble 
Both reached their vehicles and Sweetie was out of reach of rubble sight .
" Ruff - Ruff Wrecking ball cannon!. "
"Oh Do you repeat an idea from Nevada " You'll miss again" You should retreat like this lady!
Goliath swung his hammer with bigger force than before and aimed it's hit into English bulldog "
Time seemed to slow down Ball - bigger than ever before was shot and flew towards Commander's face but.. He dodged this. Ball smited Giant's ear. Rubble thoughts were fading black. He dealt his defeat, but... 
Sweetie's stallion appeared suddenly on balls chain and started run on this. 
"How sweetie - Why you're here!?!. " wondered Rubble .
" You Distracted him perfectly. I am a queen of trickery and I had to trick you both to make my part of plan unpredictable. And to you Piece of big turd! I am hurt, but not lost!" 
" You fooled me !" and swing changed directon into Sweetie's stallion . " 
West terrier jumped onto the ball and rear heels hit the ball making it reverse. 
Stallion was hit and crushed into countless pieces. legal pup was falling down ball missed again...
"You see!. You'll never learn. I have to admit, your fighting will I saw on some Chinese tales, but in real life it isn't enough... Hey You'll dead soon Why you are smirking now??? " - said Goliath
Rubble responded: "Three, two , one..."
"No!" -answered Goliath  And chain while reversing reached giant's heck pulling him brutally into the ground. His over 230kg body fell on the ground and all this force focused on his skull falling from over 5 m directly on the grass .
Despite of relatively safe surface - hit took him cosiousness" First Patterson's commander was defeated. 
Go quickly to Ryder - He needs to see us alive!

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