Tears, fears and wrath

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Ryder, Patterson and a bunch of soldiers were standing against of president Blinden. 
-So... You won't fight?  asked angrily general. 

-I don't want to spoil any blood here. In being commander is huge privellege to play with lives of people like pawns, but that's not fair to wage other life not sacrificing own one first. I want to be someone who leads not sends. I was real apreciate to be here. Just one I ask... Not make these people suffer. Soldiers, citizens, all living beings who are there. If this you just want to this chair... Take it, but Don't hurt this country...  Answered  President. 
-You naive idiot. I do what I want and my way to pride goes through blood my enemies. Through sarifice and power. This is not place for -so called -ethics. 
Ryder- my right hand, my wonder child with whom I will rule the country. Such mature, strong and smart kid certainly will be the mest ruller of United states and future world. My place is just short. I am just old man. I won't rule forever -so this is your time and state your way to the top of the world and eliminate every obstacle on your way. Beginning of failing system and it's symbol. Militarian democracy is real from now. You know what to do Ryder.  
Zuma: I have one problem. 20.000 soldiers of Patterson arround. I can't go throuugh. 
Chase: From repoerts I see only Skye has saved her vehicle and can fight 
-Skye- Do you copy? 
-Skye: Yes I have an hidden option: Gather all seven in one place I have surprise for you 
Ryder stepped forward and aimed the gun. All time went so slowly. Boy erected his hand towards president and said " I'm so sorry I have to do this " Ryder was flooded by doubts. Even during the siege Ryder didn't kill anyone. He saw himself playing with pups, rescuing people, comforming them, and pups conforming and rescuing him. Hi hand was shaking, sweat covered his face. That was too much for sill innocent kid. Suddeny his hand twists towards... his head. Boy said to himself. I coming to you Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble and Everest.   I know You won't forgive me if I stain hand with human blood. After short breath he put weapon to his own head. Boy was just ready to trigger a gun. That fraction of second... Ryder just felt pain, blood stains dripped on the ground where laid dropped weapon.............And Voice from Above - Ryder God NO!!!!!. 
That was Skye who could transform her plane into little passenger one. All pups inside were watching with terror what they witnessed. Their owner and friend, who cared them th most wanted to take his gun... and take his life. All pup knew boy was convinced about all were dead. They supposed he will join to assasination group, but demand of killing president was to much for yet baked 10-yrs old. But ... boy look arnly thing ound. Hey! So you are alive????? 
-Yes and once more will you do that thing we'll kick your ass to te purple plum- Added Marshall
-Wait. I am indeed alive... How??? I've shot my head! - Ryder concerned
-No! I took my the biggest syringe - to BIOPSY and shot it from Zuma harpon!!! and shot your hand. Did you heard a shot? 
Added Marshall
-We are taking you home. 
Ryder Just turned head into his boss with huge wrath.
-You've lied me all the time. You've manipulated me, drained me from sense of living...and you really thought I'll be loyal commander??? I wanted to die since I thought pups are gone. 
My life was weak tragicomics. I don't belong to people. To samrt to fit kids, to young to fit adults. How live in that way. I wasn't even adopted! My family rejected me. PAW Patrol was the only thing wich kept me alive. I needed degree to legally run our team, but I wanted to forget all people who gave me nothing but knowlegde. Only Chase, Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, Everest, Sweetie... SWEEETIEE??? What are you doing here? 
-I tell you later, but that military prick is really angry
Patterson turned himself toward Ryder. 
-Now You and your pups are doomed. Here we have now 1000 soldiers fully armed. They will shot you and your pups.
-Really you send army for 8 little dogs??
-I'll gonna me ruler whatever it takes. 
-To all units!
Ryder tried to make general fall , but he was kicked back.
-Time to shot the last enemy! 
Ryder got up, but he thrown on the left
-Little plane with 8 enemies. Pink . Miniaturized  and modrnized model of TU-154. 
Ryder got up again and was caught on his neck and risen up. 
-No one has to be left alive
Ryder hardly breathing with tears: You bastards, screw you.... 

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