Saga of Fire and Ice

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At this time when Ryder was facing cruel decision Marshall and Everest reached capitol obelisk wich wa somehow ... in fire despite of being of solid rock. 
-How it is even possible -wondered Marshall
-These flame has to have tousands of degrees! - answered Everest
-This warfare technology is terryfing. 
Just during this answer pups were surrounded by huge ring of ice from wich slided down Bojouris and Kyro. Canadian and south african mercenary went opposite to Marshall and Everest and said
-This is fight for life and death. Patterson sent us to bring your corpses. Mercy from that desert won't repeat. You may choose: Shatter into pieces from freezting or burn into ashes due my genious ultraflames reaching temperature of 25000 degrees.  Fire have almost nuclear abilities Kyro is ice resistant, I am fire resistant. Performed canadian mercenary. 

Why do you work for Patterson? Does he really pays such well????- Yelled husky pup
-Maybye yes maby not- I am personally grateful. I am from small african tribe called culutuxi. Like most of african tribes tribes believed that my body parts are talisans or artifacts to contact with ancestors. At real that was a ratinalization of puryfing tribe of any individualism. Negleted by society and family just of being white I had run up to Egypt by whole Africa. Not being noticed by anyone. No one to trust. One day I was bought by Patteson from slaves tradery. Finally I have not to be affraid of being chased like a prey... 
- I sacrifice him my life and yours... 
Kyro touched ground and all of it changed into glacier field. Cold and slippery. 
- Marshall - Jump ! - Shouted Everest.  Both of them fell on newly made ice field . As Husky gorl has no problem with new sufrace Fire one had problem to make any move. 
Bojouris has noticed struggle of dalmatian a used his hike spears to approach him. 
-I dadn't know my combat will be easy I'll burn you down to the ashes. And another trivia kid. That was me , who sent a aenesthetic to Ryder. That's why he captured so easily. Action was perfectly planned. 
-You Bastards i'll Kill You!!! Shouted Marshall 
-Yes, Your clumsiness and masked fear will kill us. You try to act brave, but fast breathing, fully veseled eyes, sour smelling sweat are showing you are fearful burden. It not even deserves to live and be loved. 
- SPEAK YOUSELF. And suddenly two snoballs perfectly hit Canadian.
Bojouris fell on th ground 
-Everest. I'm so glad you are here!
-You are everything for me nad there's no element wich can defeat us! 
-It's a pity I have no fire! That would be great against this ice. 
- I know. We are always giggled when you do your clumsy moments at the elevator. It makes us happy and relaxed before mission. Sometimes that what is your vice may be virture. Think how to use it on this ice. 
-Suddenly fireball wat thrown onto Marshall. He jumped forward and slipped in a straight line wich allowd dalmatian to avoid quick burn. Then Kyro has Risen up his hands and two blue beams shot pup but they have jumped into two opposite sides. Now they were departed on to sides of fighting fields. Marshall left alone with Bojouris and Everest was standing against Kyro. 
-Well, well, well. My friend has overused his attack and departed us accidentally. Since we do anything together this makes us muck less efficient as a team, but lets us use whole our powers without limits. Your spread jump was huge mistake.  You both signed death certificate...   
Both pups ran quickly to their vehicles a huge fire and blizzard were appearing simultaneously Marshall would olny ride around to avoid fierce attacks of Bojouris he only war riding around battlefield , as well as Everest. Powefull attacks sourrounded both battlefieds. 

- Skye Do you see something suspicious? No. Just battling soldiers? And You Chase ?
- No . Replied german shepherd 
Suddenly Green scenery changed suddenly into dessert. 
-What happened. Did you saw something like me? 
-Yes. In a blink of an eye all Washinghton changed ibnto dessert.!
Suddenly voice said. Welcome into my VR reality. With technology of General Paterson warfare ascends into higher level. You are all doomed. Especially YOU Chase. So Close to defeat me. Agile, clever, fast. Only genious could train dog to level treatening proffesional soldier... On the dessert. I thought you are just sweet puppy rescuing mindless citizen , but battle in the desert has shown, you deserve to serious treating. That means al my effort will be used to make you suffer! 


Huge fireball ran toward dalmatian. He could only jump out from the firetruck and watch explosion behind him. 
-Close call! What I conna do. Everest won't help me. 
Wait. That worked! Glacier started to melting and making smoke through mixing fire and ice. Smoke was everywhere. 
- No one was seeing eachother. Explosion of firetruck just enhanced appearing smoke. 
- No Marshall! Let us do that plan wich I told you! 
Pups were calling loudly eachother  as well as mercenaries.
- I think they are close said humans and pups in unison .
-Instinctivelly Kyro and Bojouris attacked forward . Attacks were just mixing eachother making much more steam around both pups used harpoons to jump onto heads of opponents and both meercearies attacked eachother but Marshall and eveerest jumped opposite to eachother and called 
-Ruff ruff- Extinguisher
-Ruff ruff- Snow Shovel 
Both used all strength to hit their foes to back of their heads that was last to them and made them uncouncous . Bojouris and Kyro fell onthe ground. Both pups with burning and freezings were just running to Ryder. 
- Run to Ryder. I don't think we hit them hard they will be awake soon. RUN. 
Another battle was won by pups. No defeat wasn't allowed. Price was resolve of owner of pups cinvinced about their death...     


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