Confronted by the desert pt 2

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After defeat of Everest, Zuma, Rocky, Skye and Rubble Marshal had to face Boujouruis. Former arsonist, who was caught in action and to avoid lifetime prison decided to be a mercenary. From the beginning serving in Patterson army made huge impress by almost controlling fire and setting it almost everywhere he needed and very quickly was promoted into lieutenant. 

-I see You've come for your owner. You don't even know what are you facing. I am the main executor of operation "Dawkins". My name is  - Baugharte Boujouruis. 
-What was that so called " Operation Dawkins"? - Asked Marshall. 

-That was secret operation of retrieving for US army 10 years old boy. Personally I don't know why our master needs him, but there's must be a very good reason to use part of army to kidnap kid. He'd barely noticed what happened. I needed two smoke grenades to knock him out

-You Bastard!. Ruff- Ruff - Water cannons!
Two fireman hoses erect from Dally's shoulders. Two shots make him to lose balance , He gets up very quickly. 
-Do you really hoped, you'll defetat me this splashy toy? 
In next move canadian mercenary throws some grey-white powder into Marshall and his firetruck. 
-What was that?? Asks second in command? 
Try to shoot again and you'll see!- States arsonist.
Despite of bad feeling Dally tries to shoot the water again. but Somehow car is shaken by explosion. 
-What happened? 
-This is Calcium carbide - Magic thing, which explodes in even slight contact with water much part of vehicle and your body is already covered. Any trial of fight will blow you up. All vehicle and your body is covered by this. 
I don't care. I won't let suffer my friends. Marshall shot another portion of water . Bojouruis used his armored hand greaves much portion of water pour poured back into Marshall firetruck causing several explosions.  By each explosion car was moving more insufficient. Next mercenary shoot another ball made from carbidethat one was shot on pipehole. left cannon collapsed. 
What if I shot into powdered hand ? Thought fire-pup.  When Marshall shot a water from remaining pipe. Canadian foe attented to throw powderball in handball style and Marshall tried to hit powdered hand Bojouruis drwa his weapon and in that same moment he shot from flamethrower concealed in left hand and shot into face window from dalmatian's vehicle. 
Firepup could olny evacuate from burning firetruck wich exploded right behind him. 
His ear started to ringing. His mercenary opponent grabbed Marshal on his neck. 
-You little mutt. My hand pains me. I had little film of powder on my hand. My I use this bleeding hand to make you fear what you deserve for.  No one ever wounded me before. I am glad I didn't underestimate you, but one wrong moveand I'll melt you face said angry Boujouruis aming flamethrower right at dally's forehead...        
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   I am Very glad to see You Chase. You'll be my trophy. Announced Morten. You'll see. Ruff - Ruff - NET. From Chase's backpach emerged cannon which shot with net. It reached former cop, but  it turned out to be to small to tame him. 
-Did You really wanted to catch me by this??? Mocked Morten
-Not yert But I have a Surprise. 
               Second in command in Patterson team made Started to shoot net ball silimar to Chase's but pup always jumped away of them and was running ahead his opponend when he beame close to former cop shepherd called ruff- ruff- Tennis ball cannon. and three balls hit Motern's face
-What the heck??? When we regained his guard and saw the angry pup close to bite his face and Chase threw Morten on the sand. 
-I'll Bite your neck if You don't tell me  where Ryder is. -Shouted brown pup
-Olny one who may say any demands is me! Look around!

I that moment Chase saw Everest with frozen paws, motionless Zuma, Rocky and Rubble under pressure respectively leg of Sun Xi robo armor and Goliath armor, Skye floating on air clawed by two robo- eagles holding each one cockapoo paw and finally Marshall's head aimed by bojouruis flamethrower. 

Now You see! One my sign and all your friends will die in cruel way in your eyes, so you see. All is in your paws sweetness... If You surrender - I won't kill them if You attack yo'll be very alone... . 

Chase despite of his spirit started to be terrified.
-What will you do if we surrender? 
-All depends of my boss. Maybe will be more merciful than me. I can't guarantee, but every your decision may be not possible to undo. Sho choose wisely... 
- OK. Leave them. Please! 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     IN THE SECRET PRISION
-Ryder , Harold I have something interesting. Patterson announced and eventually set boys in opposite of huge television set. After few moments camera in Faclonetta's eagle eye was showing aftermath of battle on the desert. 
-Do You recognize them? -  Asked general
-My PUPS! Noo!! What are doing here??? - Shouted terrified boy
-I should punish you unforgettable portion of electrocution, but I have something better.... 
this will shatter your spirit... 

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