Under the force field

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 Ryder wanted to rush after pups, but suddenly appeared characteristic blue glow. 
-Ryder. I know you recognize this. These are my intelligent electrones. Don't even try to run!
Said Patterson
Ryder rushed ahead and brutally jumped back like someone unexperienced trying to use shotgun. 
-I know you feel pain. Electroduced and hit on the ground. Now I'll finish my job! 
Ryder tried quickly to get up but was kicked at lateral part of his torso. General made few step forward grabbed his hair and hit him once more. 
- I want you to suffer. No one denies my command NO ONE!. It will take time, but nothing won't stop me to become a president. Certainly not a small kid with exaggerated ego. You may be genious , but I still have much more combat experience. You didn't kill even fly. I killed hundreds of enemies. 
-With Harold mother included. You are not soldier. You are piece of evil and image of you ruling USA made me terrified. And I'll hate you for a nightmare you made my pups!
Shouted Ryder in ultimate anger.  Buy rushed on evil general and hit him twice with to scythe punches on his face. Unfrtunatelly both punches were too weak. 
- Ryder. I had 7 genetically enhanced lieutennants and no one opposed me. Despite my age i am one of most skilled soldiers in US army. I've also genetically modified myself. You may pacify my mere soldiers, but not me kid! Now I'll pay you unforgettable lesson! 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile pups ascended higher above the sky to not be shot by pack of 5000 soldiers. Bullets were swishing around them. All of them were scared. They fought with lieutenants, but not even single of them was in the middle of modern warfare battle. 
-Look! - Shouted Matshall - Pups saw Ryder hit repeatedly by Patterson with any break. 
-Who is he? - Asked Sweetie rhetoricaly. - Me and Humdinger we did many evil, but never wanted intentionally to torture anyone. We have to do something. He will be killed! 
-I hate to say this, but now we have to be worried about yourselves. Ryder said. Rescuer has to care first about himself -dead or injured won't rescued anyone-Added Chase.
- But we came there to help Ryder. Didn't we??? - spited Rocky.
- I know. But we are now armless and we have no stand against such army. We have to find a plan first! 
- Let's fly higher! They didn't prepare any jets... Wait ! It means there are no pilots? Where are tankers? In most amount this is infantry. That means this is a little fraction of US army. They will come when we warn them about situation - noticed Rocky. 
 -Skye. Do you have internet connection. USA has to know what happens here! 
-YES. Oh. WAIT Look around Troops, more troops- Yipped Skye! . 
Patterson was still torturing a boy hitting constantly. 
-Why don't you command to kill president to your soldiers? Asked Ryder 
-That will be more symbolic kid. New order, new election, the change of watch. responded general .  
-I think that not matter here Mr general! They don't seem to attack anyone .Such many people cannot miss the small avionette? Bluffed boy. 
-If you wouldn't be so greedy you'd see, you force your soldiers and they know there's no commanders. It will be something interesting, what will happen when you exit out of the capsule. You're not general for them anymore. Continued 
-You know nothing they won't do me nothing - basted Patterson. 
- And I'll kill you and later president. 
-Why not otherwisely. Maybe becaulse no one want's such change in that way at all? You are the wweakest of your army. You can only split your venom into a child and little dogs.  Such pathetic. Both were playing mindgames eachother. 
-You are dead kid. Patterson started to hitting Ryder constantly. But boy noticed another interesting thing.... 
-Why I didn't use a weapon( in thoughts) ? Ryder tried to reach his pistol , bot he felt the pain  on hid hand . 
- Weapon is still electrified. I have some vents of safety. Not all electrones are used.
- So why won't you kill me by the weapon? 
- That would be so fast and not satysfying. You could be a genius, the best commander. I saw you fighting now, who would you be as an adult soldier ! in anger said general. 
-All was just a show. I wanted to open your potential. You are INDIGO. Such combination of mind, strength and experience happened few time in century. You could be anyone. You'd be my ultimate weapon. But I didn't predict one thing. You are so disobeyed. Such potential to betray.   
Now I have to waste this to rescue my own. I hate you . But not fors and sole bullet is not enough. I want your pain and fear. Repent me my disapointment! 
-You've already said army will serve you? 
Suddenly: From a horizon appeared huge beam of light. I t hit the forcefield. Capsule became broken. 
- What hell happened? Said Ryder
Some soldiers aimed  guns into general. One of them said about a signal to their walkies talkies kits about reinforcements 
Mr President said: If I used all my forces now. I'd lose. I left most of army in DC borders. You are sourrounded!
- Beam of light is also your fault. 
-No. I had no technology to destroy such new weapon. This has to be foreign force or something like that. 
- There's only one person who could make such thing, but how would be here? 
- Someone didn't planned all possibilities... Daddy!   


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