Sweetie's New owner

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Rubble was thinking a lot about new pieces of  information: 
-Why sweetie is not in barkingburg, What they are doing at presidential hospital, all others are safe? How Ryder and Harold are going? How they will rescue them without their vehicles? And the most haunting him. Why he felt so good when sweetie looked after him? So many doubts... 
In other room:
Chase woke up quite quckly as he avoided serious injuries. He was just dehydrated.
The first what he saw is bit grey haired afroamerican bit fat , short guy. 
-So You are Chase. The best friend of my best student! Hey. You were Teacher of Ryder? What are you doing here?  Aren't you at school. 
-I am used to, but Ryder changed it. My name is Louis Chapman. Former Professor of bioengeenering 
He was almost nine when he arrived to my university. He was a very smart kid, but the olny in our walls. To smart to adjust to kids, and still child, what made impossible to make friendships. Ryder counted to someone who will understand his mind. I was the only person whom Ryder could talk about. I was his promotor. His genius made him neglected by parents and other kids. Now he was neglected by other students. Boy felt like nowhere how different is he...
Approximately just before his nine birthday Ryder made his graduation. I don't know why, but he didn't returned. I watched him like the others - on TV. 
-So did you know how much burden he carries and forgot about him? He was your friend didn't he?  Answered astonished Shepherd.
-I didn't forget. I've chicken out.   My bond with Ryder was much stronger than should between teacher and student. Long talks, helping him out in studying reality, sharing our problem. Week before last exams he came to me and opened his feelings, said about his story, how parents left him... and he asked me question if I'd adopt him. I've denied. I wasn't ready. I didn't notice, how Have I broken him. He hid his feelings till promotion and... diappeared. Year later I saw you all in TV after rescuing hall after Humdinger's fireworks. I saw him happy with you all. Now If he will survive kidnapping - I'll adopt him. 
-If Ryder will want. I've never thought Ryder was suffering for so long. He masked everything... 
Ryder was so bottled, so he outburst that pain on me. Last thing before his kidnapping was... our argument. I miss him. 
-I don't ask for forgiveness, He was so starving for love, every goodwill was something big to him and   one day he saw father at me. I didn't noticed it and  gave him high hopes. I failed him. stated profesor. 
-You told me about Ryder, but what are you doing here? wondered Chase. 
I am a part of Secret Service. My responsibility is to research for improvements and applying them. 
- So we are in hands of USA president ??? Awed pup. 
-Yes. This fulfills me better than University. 
 Talks were interrupted. From hospital megaphone appeared voice:
"Everybody are obey to attend to audience with president. these are not exercises. Sweetie. Prepare our guests". Everyone appeared in corridor happy to see each other alive
-I thought we're dead!! - cried Marshall
All hugged each other
Only Rubble knew new west - terrier fate. All were shocked, that sweetie is here. 
-What are you thinking??? -shouted Chase. 
-Crown isn't Here! - added Skye
Sweetie saw all hatred. "I can't be angry. I hurt them all. I hurt princess..."
-Hey! Shut up! -  Shouted Rubble -  She found us on a dessert. Why? Explain yourself!

Do you remember last rescue in Barkingburg, where with Claw I tried to steal crown and royal treasure. Earl and princess lost their patience and pounded me. My life was ruined. First was angriness, later big remorse. I had great life wasted just by me. I am adopted by US president John Bliden. I took chance in new system. My new owner aware me in republic power is given by respect. Not things or birth. Only being good and nice give what I wanted. I miss her, but I've failed... I started missing You. Especially one pup, who was alike to me. Abadoned, small and young.  Olny who defended me here. Gave me voice here. Rubble - Ioved you since you rescued me in  the castle. I can't see You so hurt and near dead.  Our technology will cure quickly, but... it was so close. I won't see you in that fate. I've never scared in whole life. Our enemy is very strong, but Mr Chapman and Me will help you to rescue Ryder. But first - diplomatic protocole - In banquet you have to look fancy - only then President will listen you, so go to bath and suit. 
Everyone were happy besides one pup... 

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