Confronting Humdingers

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Katie Arrived after few hours to adventure city. By Ryder's pup-pad easily located Cheetah apartament in the skyscraper when Katie knocked the door Cheetah opened them up.

- Oh. That's you. I didn't except You. I thought there will be PAW Patrol Pups - said blonde with much surprise . 
-They had to go to the desert as we said you remotely. There's much probability that bastard who abducted Ryder made the same with Harold. More important is this why did you panic when we said about army? 
-I have no such good memory like my uncle. If you want know more about soldier we have to visit my uncle in jail. I know it will be difficult for you after events from Adventure City, but our loss is also big. Uncle lost his contact with kittens and his care laws for Harold were strictly restricted. Thanks God I am adult, because my cousin would be in foster family... 
-That's terrible. Sorry for that. I think you haven't done anything bad and consequences  are big... said Katie with lowered head. 
-Don't cry after the spoiled milk... I need your help. Since I have no Harold you can be the second visitor. said Cheetah

Both girls moved to the municipal jail.  Right at reception guard instructed Katie:
- As we see you for the first time there are some rules: 
1. Don't carry with yourself any belongings
2. Stick close to Cheetah and a guards
3. Without any hesitation follow guards instructions...

And there appeared more rules, Katie started feel somehow uncertain and older girl noticed this and said:
-I see you are scared. If you don't feel sure to, you haven't to enter. Nothing matters you here...
-Yes I am, but I saw you in despair and you shouldn't be alone this time. 

Cheetah eyes widened, she was shocked with empathy given by the small girl. Just recently they were enemies...

-Why you worry me so much? As I , Uncle and Harold we made you all many evil things, but you care for me... said racer girl with guilt in her voice. 

-I feel like a part of PAW Patrol. They help everybody - even their worst enemies. I couldn't look at their faces If left you alone with these sorrows... said Katie with companion. So I will make you company and care for you till pups will find Ryder and Harold...

-S-s-so much thank you. blonde girls was surprised tone of voice her older companion, who always said about others with arrogance and superiority. Both of them entered to Humdinger cell. 

Former Mayor of Adventure city was thinner, but his hair and mustache somehow conserved  their goldish color. Another change was that his violet outfit were exchanged into striped jail pyjama. 

-Cheetah. Can you explain why there's no Harold and why this is Katie on his place??? - Said Mayor with angry voice.
-Harold has been ... kidnapped -said his cousine with weak and guilt-filled voice. 
-Whaaat? Where is PAW Patrol now? how they let to be this done these pathetic rescuers??? - Humdinger started to boil himself   
Katie shouted: Ryder was kidnapped too!. By the same person likely! Pups are on their way to get him back! 

Humbdinger froze... 
-Sorry... What happened? 
-Ryder was kidnapped yesterday night and Harold in return from mathematician camp... 
Rocky and Jake found that behind their abductions stayed soldiers from unit of General Roland Patterson. Both kids were taken by the army.. Said katie with sorrow.

On Faces of both Humdingers appeared terror. 
- How. We thought this is over. This guy hurt us so badly Katie. And he hadn't any smallest punishment... Even more - he was promoted on the general... Life is so injustice... 
Let I tell You... If guards will let you to stay bit longer -said mayor   .
-Cheetah Do you want to listen?
 -Yes. I don't know any details. My memory denied to remember many things. I have feeling We can't bottle this anymore. This secret costs too much. Katie. Thank you that you are here... Our family starts to be healed... 

Katie didn't understand these metaphors as she was only ten. But she knew She has to understand their family more when Humbdingers' and Paw Patrol's fates have been tangled in such way by the powerful person of prominent military. 

Humdinger cleared his throat and started to talk: 
" This story starts 40 years ago in Adventure City. My mother Helga, whom you know by Goodway's tulips, made me born. Not only me - I had twin sister She had also golden, wavy hair. She loved lavender and since I remember we were connected with powerful bond. I can't explain this, but we were company who comprehend each other without any word. Everything what we were doing together - was the greatest - this was almost telepathy... 
In one day my half of soul was torn away from me... By him..." 


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