Direction - Desert

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Cheetah Called Paw Patrol. Everyone in lookout were suprised as racing girl's pride haven't been used to call for help - espacially for their main rivals.
- What's going on? Asks Ryder
-As you all know since my cousin is jailed in adventure city I've received temporary care for our nephew Harold. He lives with me till Mayor will leave a jail - At least 2 more years. 

-What is th problem? - hesitated Marshall keeping narrow eyes. 

-OK. To the clue - Yesterday Harold had come back from mathematician's camp. Yesterday Evening he had to call me if will be back, and few hours ago his plane arrived with two hours delay. I has came, but only with concerned Harold's Tutor, who said that during some intelanding she found Harold is missing. As we were being on a plane - we couldn't tell you earlier. 
-We have Similar problem. Ryder is missing too. He was Kidnapped! We've found kidnapper is a general. 
Girl in violet costume has widened eyes, tears have appeared on her face which became pale in one moment. 
-Oh no! I hope is not him! 
Immediately Cheetah declined calling. 
-Why did she reacted so? -Marshall asked Ryder - I've never seen her so scared. This was a true panic attack
-I don't like her since she messed up our races and endangered Whoosh  so many Times, but she need help. Added dally. 
-I know this Marshall- cooed Chase. Katie? Will you go to her if she needs something?
-Of course. She is Humbdinger, but we help everybody! - cheered blonde

Girl went into her pink car and went in route to adventure city where Cheetah lived. 

Chase asked himself - I don't know why, but I have feeling, Harold was hijacked by the same person who attacked Ryder. I don't believe otherwise. Both boys were kidnapped in close distance of time and if this is army, they have no problem to hijack even in regular plane. 

Chase said - From Rocky's calculation we can find base is in the middle of nowhere in Nevada dessert. Take a water with you these are dangerous. 

At this moment all 7 pups entered their respective vehicles and  where driving in the south.    


Ryder woke up. All what has he seen was a some kind of terrarium in size of medium room. 
Desks, chairs where withe Everything had a slight blueish reflections. 

-Where I am? Where are these bastards? - shouted Ryder 
- I don't know, but they are freaks. Look around! said some boy 

Ryder looked around and noticed the voice is familiar. 
-Who are You? Anger thrown with anger
-Look around! 

Paw patrol Leader turned his had back and saw Harold at himself
- What are you doing here? asked blonde hair boy in violet shirt
-I'd ask the same. 

Ryder groaned in his head: Why i've been kidnapped just with him. Since I remember he was annoying and made many problem for whole Adventure Bay.

In that moment entered a solider with khaki uniform. He had on his chest many medals, his grey hair were covered by red beret. He seemed be quite old, but still he was well built. His blue eyes like cloudless sky looked at both boys and said. 

-Very nice too meet you. I am very appreciated I've met the most brilliant kids in this generation. 
My name is Ronald Patterson. The US general - chief of Secret Research Institute in Service To US army SRIISTUA. 

You haven't to introduce yourselves. I've found needed information. 

-Harold Humdinger- Winner of American math Olympiad for... High schoolers... in his ten. Very fresh Title I see. Keen in robotics, computer science
-That's true
-Ryder Tanner - Master Degree  of zootechnicy. Learnt to read and write at his 3-yrs-old.
In Five you made first experiments
-Result on 100m is near to world record in fourteen -years old category
-And Finally - Owner of great franchise called Paw Patrol... Rescuing pups.

-You are Gifted buddy. Such boy like you appears in history once for several generations. People like you have changed a stream of history. For Example Jesus, Napoleon, Einstein... I would tell infinitely - said with pride crazed general. 
- In new age terminology such like you are called indigo kids. Kids gifted in so many ways, but still fragile. continued general. 
-I don't believe in these stories. Only matters that have technology which allows to  inject genetic material into solider body making him stronger and more deadly. And as it just so happens you've won a genetic jackpot. You'll help me to make strongest army ever. Just shed a some of you blood - ended his lecture Patterson. 
- Blood, Needles? -NOOOO. I hate them - roared Ryder. 
-If you wont cooperate I'll make you very refreshing surprise.  - grinned general 
- Assistant! take a blood material! - commanded

-Noo Noooo ! - Ryder Shouts , but in this moment  fragment of floor lighted up and boy shouted in pain. 

-What was that. 
Let meet my brand new thing. Neoeletricity. It can shock even if you are covered with rubber or any other isolating material. by thanks of invented by me inteligent electrons. You've noticed blue film on every single item in this facility. It reacts for touch. So you cannot run or hide. 
Fortunatelly this is low voltage - in won't kill you, but for training  -ekhm - or persuading purposes fits perfectly. I hope we will cooperate better from now my Indigo kid... 
-Despite of hatred to Ryder Harold watched these scenes with terror in his eyes. He knew this film can be used also against him...    


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