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Every eye near white house looked quickly on the boy who destroyed Patterson Force field. He was ... Harold, Nearby Cheetah in her lavender car and six cats forming hexagon floating near the boy. 

- You know such little boy can't enter the warfare facility? asked Patterson
-Unless you're not at the war, but this war is mine. I'll fight this country and grab back my life you made. When I've met you I understood all: Why I had no parents, why I've born cripple, that my uncle was in madness and grief, why I felt guilty whole my life for this whole family tried constantly prove it's value all the time. That was all You! 
You said we were obstacles for you. Mother and I. Don't you?   
-Not you Harold. I was fed up surrounding weak people. I haven't see you before But you've turned out to be weak too. I see you have lots of anger Harold. This is not good way of fighting my son!  
-This "failed product " will kick your ass. Meet kittens and my intelligent positons!
-How did you escaped? You was on cameras! 
-One answer Meow
At this moment Kittens started to shoot around Patterson
-What the hell is happening. You've just got know with my electrons! - shouted general 

-When you are almost killed with something  and survive you realize, that you know your killer better than he knows himself, but often fear doesn't give you chance to understand this. 
Using quarks to manipulate stable and awake state of particle was creative idea, but also easy to repeat of other. Now... Stay poisitve . Positions covered Patterson with a whitish film and when Skye-shaped cat meowed. Patterson was being electrocuted. answered Humdinger nephew
-Soldiers aaaaaaa , What are you aaaaaa, waiting aaaaa for? -shouted in insane soldier
-In the deepest mind we didn't want to coup d'etat the president, but we know how cruel can you be and we saw what electrons are doing with kids. You are PATHETIC DEVIANT! Soldiers aimed weapon onto Ronald. In the name of entire US army we want to sorry for our cowardice witch resulted in lots of suffering and risking with the danger for all nation. 
When pups conquested and electrons are anihilated - nothing won't stop us for do our duties  - answered soldier. Mr President. What to do with that rebeliant? 
-This is not my decision. I've suffered nothing in comparison of pups, Ryder and Harold . I let the decision to them... 
- To us? Asked himself and President Harold? This is huge responsibility. 
-Spare me! I'll pay you war reparations! Convinced Patterson 
-This is war not a court. We can claim anything Mr President. Do we?
-Yes my Lad . What are you planning - asked head of the country 
- Harold. I know that he was hurting you and your family at least 10 years , He almost killed my pups, but revenge won't feed you and your mum to.  Whined Ryder 
-  Ryder! What are you talking. I'll spare him. But not becaulse any "morality", but this bug isn't worth to stain my shirt with his blood.  Process him and court him due war crimes. This is best Idea. Pups and Ryder breathed in relief. 
Patterson was led to the transported handcuffed. Looked into Harold and Ryder and said. 
-My sentence won't be forever. Remember 
 Ryder trilled a bit, but Harold looked indifferently... After huge fear all adrenaline went off. Boy was realizing his pain, wounds etc. His voice and muscule tone was weakening and in vis weak voice told to Harold. It didn't scared you? 
- Yes it scared, but we will be prepared and with experience. We will be ready, but recover first. This prick beat you badly. there's a doctor? 
-Yes I can do ERM but I have nothing to transport to hospital with proper comfort. My vehicle was destroyed in fight with these fire and ice couple - ansewred Marshall
Sudden army crowd stared to shout and move rapidly
- Chase asked: What happened? Look there All Patterson Lieutenants came there
Patterson in transporter smiled and said to soldiers: Now you are F***ked up My lieutenants are there. I'll be free soon :). Immediately was hit with a baton.
-all weapon was  aimed on injuried Molten, Falconetta and other from Patterson's elite. 
- Don't worry. We are armless.  Kyro said. What is needed? I suspect some ice to slow down processes, double side silver-gold film, some wounds, antiseptics. Dephibrilator has white house unless is worn off. Of course ! Everest said with angerto Kyro. You are medic? Why did you want to kill? 
- Yes I'm medic. Answering honestly... As killer I was paid more than a doctor in Africa. And I'm alive. Answered Iceman
-Disarm two rifles From one transporter. Tear off some tilt from that transporter and I'll do the stretcher. 
Chase with anger shouted to Kyro.
-You've almost killed us and you think we handle you Ryder you Bastard !
-I know you have no trust shepherd, but don't be so cocky. Your leader needs quick medication or he'll die. You can watch me all the time if something go wrong You can attack me. 
-Marshall added : He's right. We have no supplies after fights so is better use a helping hand . 
Stretches were ready. Molten and Al-Jazeer carefully handled a boy to the transporter which ran to army hospital. 
Pups were reassured all is all right by Falconetta and led to another transporter. 
Molten came to Patterson. General looked at his first officer and said. What the hell is happening here? I should be free now. What are you doing!      
-That thing which mercenaries are doing always when we are sure we won't be paid :) -answered former policeman. 
-You can't leave me. Beat them, ill pay you all i'll promise.
Patterson was hit another one time by soldier. 
Everything is over but it was sure. Nothing gonna be the same anymore in adventure province...    



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