We know better than you think

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               Rocky Was astonished his friend being alive as well as Xan-Xi
-How did you got alive??? Shouted Rocky. 
-Well. You were designed to fight humans - not pups? Rocky! You made some hooks and some catchers to improve my actions in rivers This stuff helped me climb through the pipe and works well in smooth surfaces like inner one of metal pipe. As I've noticed earlier olny one groups of knives in the enterance of pipe might be enough for human. But not for me. All the hours of playing chess payed off. I've became much more patient and strategic. 
During that speech chinese mercenary tried to surprise Zuma and attacked machine , but somehow pup used random button and one of pipes rised up and blocked attack. 
- What? I thought You can't lead this machinery!? 
-Yes it is true, but I am very well concetrate so such cheap tricks won't work with me. 
Run Rocky. Ryder Needs You RUN!!! shouted lab. 
In this moment mongrel pup started to run towards president. 
- Well done pup. Somehow all you are extraordiny like your owner. No I understood why he wanted to keep this kid. The supernatural being... admired Xan- Xi
- Yes. With supernatural burden! When Chapman told us the story of Ryder We've understood how he was itemized everywhere and we won't let you do it again to him: Rival, mascott, treatment, ornament, product to sell, he was no human for so long, and for sure not kid!
Patterson won't use him!
Xan-Xi sighed and said 
-You have just paws! you van use buttons. Wrenches, Walves are unaccessible for you! Doesn't it? Lab?
-If olny one of us confirm we are alive Ryder will be calm back. I need just to stop you for some time!
-So Your life means nothing for you? 
-I thought I've died once. It is possible to adjust. I am ready to die for Ryder. Are you ready to die for general? Or for money? 
- Stop to play these cheap games dog! 
In that moment robot rushed toward piped machine, but pup rised one of pipes and hit him with  a scythe punch.  Robot has flown few meters and felt on it's front. 
-What the hell ?  How did you use it? 
- Your friend to easier movements of arms he mechanised them by using touch pads. Yes. My possibilities are limited, but non- zero. Someone learned me how adapt and win! 
- Better run! and two pipes extended towards robot, but machine crawled back and pipes turned out to be too short. 
-Close call pup! Since you can't move forward due iability to use steering wheel. I can calmly think about my next move. 
Zuma tried to grab a wheel with two front paws, but it was slipping of his  hands. 
Xan -Xi got up and was running towards circle line to attack from back robot possesed by Zuma. 
Brown pup was thinking: "As he has only melee attacks - robot has to approach to me. What means.... 
-Zone out zuma was set back to reality when chinese mercenary jumped onto it and was rip off metal body of piped robot. 
- Now it will be the end when I destroy the accumulator.At this moment  Zuma hugged steering wheel turned it on one side and used rear leg to touch one of touchpads to move a pipe. Pipe hit the robot so hard that the pipe spiked into engine of both robots devastated it easily. 
- Both machines torned off and soullessely deactivated. Both Zuma nad Xan- Xi emerged from the robots and was running towards eachother wanting to fight matrially. Merchandise who didn't know pup-fu. Was suprised of usage all four paws and tail to fithing and was immobolized quickly with juicy punch on face from rear paws. Xan Xi fell uncoucionuselly on the ground...
And ran to the same goal point like sweetie, Rubble and Rocky
-There will be a huge moment when  you and I will rule that beautiful nation. Your geniusness and my influence and vision. What a pretty mixture. 
 -What will you say if I give up. I'm am a leader - not a ruler! 
Patterson looked  deeply into boy's eyes
-What do you mean without your dogs. Since they are dead on the dessert I am the only way to to fullfil you. You are famous person and is easy to find all of your friends: Harold who is still caged in Nevada, Mayor goodway and every other citizen of adventure bay. Are you ready to carry another death buddy?
-No... You don't ..... ? 
-You've killed these pups and sent their fate since You've pet them! You decide if you want to lose another darling.... I see inside your heart. You are not soulless. Don't you? 

-Ryder only watched paralyzed into face of general...

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