Chapter Two

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We’d been living in the flat for a week now and things were going good. We got to know each other, but we still didn’t know each other as well as we should, considering we live together, but with Harry in work and my studying, we haven’t had that much time to just sit and talk.

“Say, Charlie?” Called Harry from the living room.


“I was wondering…” He was now in my doorway. “If you fancied going to Ikea to get some furniture? If I’m honest, the crap we’ve been given  isn’t the greatest. I feel like I should be a bit more house proud, you know?”

“House proud? You? Have you seen the mess?” I teased.

“Hey, I’m a boy!” He defended.

“And that’s your excuse?” I rolled my eyes.

“Maybe… so are you up for it?”

He was right. The furniture was appalling. Not something I’m proud of at all.

“Yeah, okay. I’ll drive.”

I got up from my floor, where I was using my laptop and grabbed a pair of Converse and my bag before heading into the bathroom to fix my messy, brunette hair. When I walked out, Harry was stood there in a pair of faded denim jeans, a grey hoodie and topped it off with a navy beanie and a pair of raybands.

“I like your look, but what up with the accessories?” I smirked.

“Hey, I believe you’ll find it’s fashionable!”

“On what planet?”

He narrowed his eyes at me before giving a quick smirk back, before heading out the door. I followed close behind.


That was the weirdest shopping trip to Ikea I had ever made. Not that I didn’t like what was there, I got what I wanted and we split the delivery cost between us, but it was Harry. He acted strange the whole time. It was as if he was paranoid. Paranoid that he was being stalked. We were home now and both sat on the poor excuse for a sofa.

“Say, Hazz... sorry, is it okay if I call you that?”

“Call me anything you like,” he smiled.

“Sure. Anyway, what’s up with you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, today… you seemed slightly on edge when we were out…”

“Oh… umm… paranoia… I kind of suffer with it a little when I’m out in public.”

The doorbell rang, interrupting our conversation. I went and opened the door to find a delivery bloke in an Ikea uniform standing in front of us.

“Charlotte Morgan?”

“Yep, that’s me.”

“Sign here please.”

I scrawled my signature across the document and passed the pen back to him.

“Thank you. The guys will be here in about ten minutes with all of your stuff.”

“Thank you.”

I closed the door but left it on the latch and returned to my seat.

“I have a feeling I know what our evening plans are tonight,” grinned Harry.

“Yep. Setting up furniture. Whee.” I replied with sarcasm.

“Hey, it should be fun! We can get to know each other a bit more. Maybe order another take away for tea?”

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