Chapter Fourteen

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Last night was so much fun! Harry was such a great guy taking me out and he even paid for me. I felt so bad, though. Then the others arranged a mini firework display in an abandoned park not too far away from where we live. It was so fun. Fireworks, popcorn, music and friends. What more could you want? 

Jenny and I are on our way to Asda's to go shopping because we were practically out of food and with an extra person living in our flat, we needed more anyway. Well, that, and there's another four boys who  have a thing for roaming our food cupboards now and then. We parked up and headed inside and Jenny began riding the trolley. 

"Let's go get some movie snacks for our legendary movie nights!" she proclaimed as she began riding the trolley through the first isle. 

"Calm down, you crazy fool!" I called, laughing at her trying to stop before she knocked someone over.

"I want to get a magazine, first! I need something to read before bed."

I headed over to the magazine rack and scanned through the music section while Jenny headed to the gossip magazine section. Boring. 

"Um... Charls..."


"Come here..."

"I will once I've picked which magaz-"

"No, come here."

Jenny yanked my arm and pointed in front of us.

Oh. My. God.


I knocked violently on Louis' door. Come on, dude, answer. This isn't funny. This is serious. After a good few knocks, he finally answered the door. He squinted as the light hit his eyes. He also had bed hair. Clearly someone was having a lie in.

"Dude, what the fu-?"

I ignored him and barged straight past.

"Have you seen today's tabloids?"

"No, I've been sleeping. Why?"

I threw a magazine that I had in my hand at him and clutched my head as it filled with stress.

"Whoa! Your date with Charlie is all over the front page!"

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Alright, mate. Calm it down. Tea?"

"This isn't time for a cup of tea, Louis! Milk, two sugars."

Okay, maybe it wasn't time for tea, but it was a good destresser. I followed Louis into the kitchen and leaned against the work surface, pondering about what to do.

"So, what do you plan on doing?" he asked as he boiled the kettle.

"I honestly don't know. I normally don't give a damn as to what they have to say-"


"But, I really like Charlie. And she isn't famous. I didn't want to scare her with all this crap. I wanted us to be on the down low."

"There isn't even an "us" for you guys, yet."

"Yeah, I know. But according to the papz, there is!" 

Don't get me wrong, I love my job. It's the best one in the world and definitely beats working at the bakery. But sometimes, I damn well hated parts of the job. This being a perfect example. 

 "Calm down, mate. It'll all come out in the wash," Louis handed me the tea and walked back into the living room. "How about we play a bit of FIFA for a bit? Cheer you up? Like the old days..."


After a good hour of FIFA, I had to get ready to go. Louis' girlfriend was coming over to spend the night with him. I don't want to third wheel there. 

"See you soon, mate," He smiled.

"Later, pal." 

As I turned around to leave his house, I was stunned by flashing lights. The paparazzi. 


They were swarming around me. I tried to fight through them until one short, chubby fella got in my way.


What the hell? This really angered me. The more he taunted me, the more I got annoyed. And suddenly, I did something I shouldn't have.

"You just smashed my fucking camera!" he yelled.

"Bastards like you deserve it!" I roared back before getting into my car and driving off.

I know I'm going to regret doing that, but it seems that everyone seems to forget one thing. I'm human.  

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