Chapter Eighteen

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To say this week has been eventful would be an understatement. I went from being a normal teenage girl to Harry Styles' "fling" to almost hating the guy to being attacked and then kissing him. And I know it's crazy, but I think I've realised something. I really like Harry. It just took something like my crazy-ass mother attacking me and him saving me to realise it.

I sat in my room and played my guitar as I jotted lyrics down. I love writing songs but I just don't have the confidence to share them with anyone. Not just yet, anyway. My door creaked open and Harry's head peaked from around the doorway. 

"Hey," I smiled. 

"Hey, umm, I need to talk to you."

"Sure, s'up?" My smile remained.

He slowly entered the room before fidgeting with his hands. 

"Well, you know yesterday? Well, I know I admitted my feelings and everything and-"

"I know, Hazz. And I meant what I said-"

"I know. But umm... the thing is... we can't... like... be a couple."

Whoa, wait there, what? Did I hear right?


He began scratching his head as he stood awkwardly in my room.

"Well, it's just... I don't want the fans to go nuts over you and-"

"What, so you're just gonna admit your 'feelings for me' then tell me we can't be a couple because of your fans?" I placed quote marks around the feelings. 

"It's not that, it's just..." 

"What is it then, Harry?" 

"You know what the press are like, Charlie." 

"Yeah, but I thought you'd be used to that and I didn't think you'd care considering if we were a couple, we'd be a couple!"

I put my guitar down and stood up to face him.

"It's just not that easy, Charls,"

"More like you can't be bothered to put the effort in!"

"Hey, you know I'm a very hardworking person!"

"Clearly not when it comes to relationships!"

I didn't give him the chance to reply as I stormed out and went to shower before work. What the hell was he playing at? You don't just play with people's feelings like that. I thought he was different to other guys but obviously he just proved me wrong. I undressed and entered the hot shower. As much as I'd like to stand around in the shower and ponder on the wonders of the world, I had no time because I had work. With One Direction. 


This was probably the most awkward recording session ever. The boys were unaware of this week's events and so they had no idea why there was such tension between myself and Charlie. They were just being their usual goofy selves, but when they noticed that neither Charlie or I were that interested in being silly with them, I think it was pretty clear something was up. 

"We're playing cards, Harry, you wanna join in?" Niall called.

"You're okay there, pal," I replied.

"Okay.... Charls?"

"No, thanks," she mumbled.

An awkward silence filled the room. 

"Charlie, you won't play because you know we lads can beat you," Louis teased.

"Ha! You wish!" she scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't be so sexist," I stated.

"God Harry, it was a joke," Charlie spat at me. 

"But you are a girl..."

"Oh, so now whose sexist?" 

"Well sorry for caring!" 

"Caring? Ha! That's a first!" 

"Are you really saying I don't care?" This girl was testing my patience. 

"I don't need to say it, though, do I?"

She turned her back on me as she began walking out of the room to grab her bag.

"You being serious?" I followed close behind. 

She turned around sharply. 

"Does it look like I'm joking?" she pointed at her very angry expression. 

"You're being ridiculous!"

"Me ridiculous? YOU are the one who keeps fucking about with my feelings!"

"That isn't fair!"

She came close to me and narrowed her eyes.

"Life isn't fair, Harry. Deal with it."

Before I could say anything, she had stormed out of the studio and left myself and the boys in total and utter silence. I sighed deeply.

"What... was.... that?" Zayn asked.

I turned to see all four of the lads totally shocked/

"Just forget about it."

"How can we-?" Liam started.

"Forget about it," I repeated before grabbing my bag and heading out of the studio. Fuck this shit.  

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