Chapter Seventeen

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I sat in the waiting room alone as doctors occasionally passing through. I wasn't sure what was entirely wrong, but I knew my mother had overdosed. Nobody knew the full story, but I know the postman tried to deliver a parcel and saw her through the letterbox on the floor, unconsious and he kicked the door in. 

"Miss Morgan?" a voice called. 

I looked up to see a doctor standing in front of me. Oh God. 

"How is she?" I whispered. I could barely speak. 

"Well, she's still unconsious, but she's alive. We've pumped her stomach but we're not sure just how bad her condition is. The sooner she wakes up, the better." 

"Okay... thanks, doctor." 

Moments after he left, I heard fast footsteps hit the floor. I looked up to see Jenny and Harry running towards me. Before I could say anything, Jenny enveloped me into a giant hug. 

"I'm here for you, sweetie, I'm here." 

Harry said nothing, but he looked at me sympathetically. This was going to be awkward and there was no denying it.


We had been waiting in the hospital for an hour and Charlie and I had yet to utter a word to one another. She hadn't spoken much at all. There was the occasional small talk between her and Jenny but for the majority of the time, we were surrounded by silence.

"I'm going to get a coffee," Jenny broke the silence. "Anybody want anything?" 

"Tea, please," Charlie mumbled. 

"Okay, babe. And you?" 

"I'm fine thanks."

With that, Jenny left. Neither Charlie or I made eye contact. Although she hadn't said anything, I knew she was upset and there was nothing I could do about it. The silence was slowly eating at me. There was so much I had to say. I wish I had never ever lashed out. I wish I hadn't told her how I felt. Maybe then I'd be sitting here with her, comforting her like the good friend I should be. Come on, Styles, make an effort. Say something.

"Charlie, listen..."

"Not now, Harry," she replied emotionless.


"Not now."

I sighed before letting the silence envelope us once more.  This was so painful. How did we end up like this? 

"Miss Morgan?" A voice called. 

A doctor walked up to us. 

"Your mum is awake. You may come and see her now." 

Without saying anything, Charlie got up from her seat and followed the doctor into the sideroom. I was left alone with my thoughts. 


I entered the sideroom to see my very fraile looking mother laying in bed. Her skin was pale, she had lost a lot of weight, too. Her hair was knotted and she had bags under her eyes. She looked awful. 

"We've run tests and everything and she can be discharged today. Are you able to take her home?" The doctor asked.

"Uh, yes... no problem," I mumbled.

The doctor left and I walked closer to my mum before sitting on the chair beside her. 

"Oh. It's you," she looked at me in disgust. 

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