Chapter Thirteen

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It was 6PM and I was just finishing getting ready to go out with Harry for our meal. I went shopping when Jenny arrived and she practically picked my outfit for me.  I wore a red dress and matching flat shoes with some silver earrings, necklace and bracelet and a red clutch and hair rose. As I was about to walk out of my room, Jenny stood in my way and spritzed me with purfume. 

"What are you doing?" I asked inbetween choking on the perfume. 

"Just putting some Alien by Thierry Mugier on you! It smells lush!" 

"Okay, okay, that's enough!" 

Jenny took a step back and sighed as she smiled at me. She looked a little loony. 

"What are you staring at, you nutter?" 

"My big cousin! You look so beautiful! And all grown up! I'm going to cry!" she fanned her face with her hand as she overreacted to my appearance. 

"You are so soppy, Jenny, did you know that?" I smiled. 

"At least I care! Some cousin's wouldn't give a damn about their cousin looking their best for a date." 

"Date? What are you on about? This is not a date!"

"Not a date!" she scoffed. "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie."

"It's not!" I protested.

"If it's not a date then what is it?"

"It's.. you know... a meal between two flat mates who are too lazy to cook and clean up tonight."

"Whatever!" She giggled. 

I love Jenny, but sometimes she worries me. 

I headed out into the living room to be greeted by four boys sprawled across the two sofas and Harry standing smartly. A few wolf whistles were let off as I entered the room and I couldn't help but blush. 

"Shut up, you lot," I muttered. 

Harry stood silently with his head lowered but his eyes looking up towards me. He was dressed rather smartly in brown chinos, a white shirt and black blazer with black shoes. He looked so good. Then again, he always did. He wasn't a bad looking guy. 

 "You look great, Harry!" I smiled. 

"Thanks," he returned the smile. "You look... umm... wow."

"Pfft, Wow!" Louis scoffed. "She dresses up all nice for you and all you can say is wow? Come on, lad, surely you learnt a bit more than that in English?" 

Liam nudged Louis as he shot us both a grin. 

"I think you two look lovely," he complimented. "Now, run along, you two and have fun!" 

"What are you guys going to do?" I asked.

"Jenny said we could have a movie night together since you two were abandoning us," Zayn smirked.

"Alrighty then! And if you make a mess, you're responsible to clean up!" I called before leaving with Harry.


We were at Bella Romantica, the restaurant that Louis recommended and to be honest, I'm so glad that he did. It's the most perfect Italian restaurant to dine at. Italian music played in the background as we dined, the setting was beautiful and the staff couldn't have been kinder if they tried. It was quite an expensive restaurant so there weren't all that many people there. Well, there weren't any fans, anyway. It's not that I don't love them, because I do. They are the reason I have a career, but tonight was my night and I needed to give my attention to Charlie. 

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